Cannot uninstall Exchange Server 2007
I am unable to uninstall Exchange 2007 because of the following situation :
1. I started with an exchange 2007 RTM on Windows Server 2003
2. Installed and additional Domain Controller on W2K8R2 and upgraded the domain func. level and forest func. level to Windows 2008 ( not a clever move i guess )
3. Removed the Windows 2003 DC from domain
4. Installed and additional server Exchange 2007 SP3 which is running fine in coexistence with the RTM version
5. Now i am unable to uninstall the RTM server because no Windows Server 2003 SP1 DC was found ( logically because i removed it )
How can i make the RTM version go away, because the /mode:uninstall is not working for me.
Thx !
May 14th, 2012 2:24am
What errors do you have ?
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 14th, 2012 3:03am
What you can do is to install SP3 on the server first and then uninstall it.Martina Miskovic
May 14th, 2012 1:39pm
Please post the detailed error message in the setup.log.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 14th, 2012 10:51pm
[5/15/2012 8:10:03 AM] [0] Starting Microsoft Exchange 2007 Setup
[5/15/2012 8:10:03 AM] [0] **********************************************
[5/15/2012 8:10:03 AM] [0] Setup version: 8.0.685.25.
[5/15/2012 8:10:03 AM] [0] Logged on user: domain\XXXX.
[5/15/2012 8:10:04 AM] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='nologo', Value=''.
[5/15/2012 8:10:04 AM] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='mode', Value='Uninstall'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:04 AM] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='fromsetup', Value=''.
[5/15/2012 8:10:05 AM] [0] ExSetup was started with the following command: '/NoLogo /mode:uninstall /FromSetup'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:08 AM] [0] Setup is choosing the domain controller to use
[5/15/2012 8:10:08 AM] [0] The MSExchangeADTopology has a persisted domain controller: DC.domain.local
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] PrepareAD has been run, and has replicated to this domain controller; so setup will use DC.domain.local
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Setup is choosing a global catalog...
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Setup has chosen the global catalog server DC.domain.local.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Setup will use the domain controller 'DC.domain.local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Setup will use the global catalog 'DC.domain.local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Exchange configuration container for the organization is 'CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Exchange organization container for the organization is 'CN=Company,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Setup will search for an Exchange Server object for the local machine with name 'EXH02'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Exchange Server object found : 'CN=EXH02,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Company,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] The following roles are unpacked: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole MailboxRole
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] The following roles are installed: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole MailboxRole
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] The local server has some Exchange files installed.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Setup will use the path 'D:\EXH2007' for installing Exchange.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Setup will discover the installed roles from server object 'CN=EXH02,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Company,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] 'BridgeheadRole' is installed on the server object.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] 'ClientAccessRole' is installed on the server object.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] 'MailboxRole' is installed on the server object.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] The server is cluster type: 'None'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] The requested cluster type: 'None'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] The installation mode is set to: 'Uninstall'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] An Exchange organization with name 'Company' was found in this forest.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Active Directory Initialization status : 'True'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Schema Update Required Status : 'False'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Organization Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Domain Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] The locally installed version is 8.0.685.25.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Exchange Installation Directory : 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Applying default role selection state
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Applying default role selection state
[5/15/2012 8:10:09 AM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:10 AM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.
[5/15/2012 8:10:10 AM] [0] UninstallModeDataHandler has 4 DataHandlers
[5/15/2012 8:10:10 AM] [0] RootDataHandler has 1 DataHandlers
[5/15/2012 8:10:10 AM] [0] The following server roles will be removed
[5/15/2012 8:10:10 AM] [0] Client Access Role
[5/15/2012 8:10:10 AM] [0] Hub Transport Role
[5/15/2012 8:10:10 AM] [0] Mailbox Role
[5/15/2012 8:10:10 AM] [0] Management Tools
[5/15/2012 8:10:10 AM] [0] Validating options for the 4 requested roles
[5/15/2012 8:10:10 AM] [0] UninstallModeDataHandler has 4 handlers and 4 work units
[5/15/2012 8:10:10 AM] [0] Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check
[5/15/2012 8:10:10 AM] [0] **************
[5/15/2012 8:10:10 AM] [0] Setup will run the task 'test-setuphealth'
[5/15/2012 8:10:10 AM] [1] Setup launched task 'test-setuphealth -DomainController 'DC.domain.local' -DownloadConfigurationUpdates $true -ExchangeVersion '8.0.685.25' -Roles 'ClientAccess' -ScanType 'PrecheckUninstall' -SetupRoles 'ClientAccess','Bridgehead','Mailbox','AdminTools'
-TargetDir 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server' -IISInstalled $true'
[5/15/2012 8:10:10 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:20 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:20 AM] [1] Administrator Active Directory session settings are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Global Catalog: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ DC.domain.local
[5/15/2012 8:10:20 AM] [1] Searching objects "EXH02" of type "Server" under the root "$null".
[5/15/2012 8:10:20 AM] [1] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.domain.local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:20 AM] [1] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.domain.local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:20 AM] [1] Preparing to output objects. Maximum result set size "unlimited".
[5/15/2012 8:10:20 AM] [1] Ending processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:20 AM] [1] [ERROR] Cannot find at least one global catalog server running Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or later in the local Active Directory site.
[5/15/2012 8:10:20 AM] [1] Ending processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:20 AM] [0] **************
[5/15/2012 8:10:20 AM] [0] Setup will run the task 'test-setuphealth'
[5/15/2012 8:10:20 AM] [1] Setup launched task 'test-setuphealth -DomainController 'DC.domain.local' -DownloadConfigurationUpdates $false -ExchangeVersion '8.0.685.25' -Roles 'Bridgehead' -ScanType 'PrecheckUninstall' -SetupRoles 'ClientAccess','Bridgehead','Mailbox','AdminTools'
-TargetDir 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server''
[5/15/2012 8:10:20 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:21 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Ending processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Administrator Active Directory session settings are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Global Catalog: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ DC.domain.local
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Searching objects "EXH02" of type "Server" under the root "$null".
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.domain.local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.domain.local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Preparing to output objects. Maximum result set size "unlimited".
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Ending processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Administrator Active Directory session settings are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Global Catalog: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ DC.domain.local
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Searching objects of type "SmtpSendConnectorConfig" with filter "$null", scope "SubTree" under the root "Administrative Groups".
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.domain.local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Preparing to output objects. Maximum result set size "unlimited".
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Ending processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Administrator Active Directory session settings are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Global Catalog: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ DC.domain.local
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Searching objects of type "RoutingGroupConnector" with filter "$null", scope "SubTree" under the root "$null".
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.domain.local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Preparing to output objects. Maximum result set size "unlimited".
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Ending processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Administrator Active Directory session settings are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Global Catalog: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ DC.domain.local
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Searching objects of type "ADGroup" with filter "(|((RecipientType Equal MailUniversalDistributionGroup)(RecipientType Equal MailUniversalSecurityGroup)(RecipientType Equal MailNonUniversalGroup)))", scope "SubTree" under the root
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Previous operation run on global catalog server 'DC.domain.local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Preparing to output objects. Maximum result set size "1000".
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Ending processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Administrator Active Directory session settings are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Global Catalog: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ DC.domain.local
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Searching objects of type "ADDynamicGroup" with filter "(RecipientType Equal DynamicDistributionGroup)", scope "SubTree" under the root "$null".
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Previous operation run on global catalog server 'DC.domain.local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Preparing to output objects. Maximum result set size "1000".
[5/15/2012 8:10:22 AM] [1] Ending processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:23 AM] [1] [ERROR] Cannot find at least one global catalog server running Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or later in the local Active Directory site.
[5/15/2012 8:10:23 AM] [1] Ending processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:23 AM] [0] **************
[5/15/2012 8:10:23 AM] [0] Setup will run the task 'test-setuphealth'
[5/15/2012 8:10:23 AM] [1] Setup launched task 'test-setuphealth -DomainController 'DC.domain.local' -DownloadConfigurationUpdates $false -ExchangeVersion '8.0.685.25' -Roles 'Mailbox' -ScanType 'PrecheckUninstall' -SetupRoles 'ClientAccess','Bridgehead','Mailbox','AdminTools'
-TargetDir 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server' -IISInstalled $true'
[5/15/2012 8:10:23 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:24 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:24 AM] [1] Administrator Active Directory session settings are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Global Catalog: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ DC.domain.local
[5/15/2012 8:10:24 AM] [1] Searching objects "EXH02" of type "Server" under the root "$null".
[5/15/2012 8:10:24 AM] [1] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.domain.local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:24 AM] [1] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.domain.local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:24 AM] [1] Preparing to output objects. Maximum result set size "unlimited".
[5/15/2012 8:10:24 AM] [1] Ending processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:24 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:24 AM] [1] Administrator Active Directory session settings are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Global Catalog: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ DC.domain.local
[5/15/2012 8:10:24 AM] [1] Searching objects "EXH02\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database" of type "MailboxDatabase" under the root "$null".
[5/15/2012 8:10:24 AM] [1] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.domain.local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:24 AM] [1] Verifying that there is no associated mailbox user on the mailbox database "EXH02\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database".
[5/15/2012 8:10:24 AM] [1] Establishing the Admin RPC connection with Server "exh02.domain.local".
[5/15/2012 8:10:24 AM] [1] Checking the status of database "EXH02\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database".
[5/15/2012 8:10:24 AM] [1] Ending processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:25 AM] [1] Beginning processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:25 AM] [1] Administrator Active Directory session settings are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Global Catalog: 'DC.domain.local', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ DC.domain.local
[5/15/2012 8:10:25 AM] [1] Searching objects "EXH02\Second Storage Group\Public Folder Database" of type "PublicFolderDatabase" under the root "$null".
[5/15/2012 8:10:25 AM] [1] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.domain.local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:25 AM] [1] Searching objects of type "PublicFolderDatabase" with filter "(&((Id NotEqual EXH02\Second Storage Group\Public Folder Database)(PublicFolderHierarchy Equal Public Folders)))", scope "SubTree" under the root "Company".
[5/15/2012 8:10:25 AM] [1] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.domain.local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:25 AM] [1] Searching objects of type "OfflineAddressBook" with filter "(PublicFolderDatabase Equal EXH02\Second Storage Group\Public Folder Database)", scope "SubTree" under the root "Company".
[5/15/2012 8:10:25 AM] [1] Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC.domain.local'.
[5/15/2012 8:10:25 AM] [1] [ERROR] Unexpected Error
[5/15/2012 8:10:25 AM] [1] [ERROR] The public folder database specified contains the following offline address book(s): \Default Offline Address List. Before deleting the public folder database, move the offline address book(s) to another public folder database
or to a Web distribution point.
[5/15/2012 8:10:25 AM] [1] Ending processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:25 AM] [1] [ERROR] Cannot find at least one global catalog server running Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or later in the local Active Directory site.
[5/15/2012 8:10:25 AM] [1] [ERROR] Uninstall cannot continue. Database 'Public Folder Database': The public folder database specified contains the following offline address book(s): \Default Offline Address List. Before deleting the public folder database,
move the offline address book(s) to another public folder database or to a Web distribution point.
[5/15/2012 8:10:25 AM] [1] Ending processing.
[5/15/2012 8:10:25 AM] [0] The Exchange Server setup operation did not complete. Visit and enter the Error ID to find more information.
[5/15/2012 8:10:25 AM] [0] End of Setup
[5/15/2012 8:10:25 AM] [0] **********************************************
May 15th, 2012 2:14am
this is the main problem : [ERROR] Cannot find at least one global catalog server running Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or later in the local Active Directory site.
Domain and Forest Func. Level are 2008 ( not R2 )
Maybe the only way out is to install an additional DC with 2003 Sp2 ?
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 15th, 2012 2:23am
just to be sure : you mean MS Exchange Server 2007 SP3 ?
May 15th, 2012 2:24am
just to be sure : you mean MS Exchange Server 2007 SP3 ?
Yes, Exchange 2007 SP3.
Martina Miskovic
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 15th, 2012 2:26am
Allright, this was indeed succesful,
i ran into a second issue though, which is de default public folder database, i cannot remove it or need to move it to a web based database.
is it safe to just remove the whole database from my organization ? I am not really sure what type of use the public folder database is and if i even can remove it or need to move it to the SP3 server.
if this is the case: do i need to create a new database on the new server and replicate the old one to the new one ?
this should be the last issue to safely remove the old server.
May 15th, 2012 7:11am
Glad to hear that my suggestion to install SP3 was successful.
Regarding Public Folders (it might be better for you to create a new thread about that topic), you must have a Public Folder Database in the Org
IF you have Outlook 2003 Clients.
If you don't have that or using Public Folders you can remove the database.
What folders to you have in the database?
Run Get-PublicFolderStatistics and found out.Martina Miskovic
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 15th, 2012 7:28am
Glad to hear that my suggestion to install SP3 was successful.
Regarding Public Folders (it might be better for you to create a new thread about that topic), you must have a Public Folder Database in the Org
IF you have Outlook 2003 Clients.
If you don't have that or using Public Folders you can remove the database.
What folders to you have in the database?
Run Get-PublicFolderStatistics and found out.Martina Miskovic
May 15th, 2012 7:28am