Cannot view public folders in Exchange 2007
So I'm learning Exchange on-the-fly as I had to do a transition from 2000 to 2007. Not the ideal way to learn, but it is what it is. Went well for the most part, but now I see I've made a mistake. After I'd moved all the mailboxes, replicated the public folders, set the new server to accept mail, et cetera, I shut down all of the mail services on the old server and let everything sit for a few days. No issues came up and so I uninstalled Exchange 2000. Now I see an issue. Started when I was clicking through my public folders in Outlook and one of them came up as not accessible. I opened powershell on the E2K7 server and typed get-publicfolder only to receive the following in ugly red letters:Get-PublicFolder : There is no existing PublicFolder that matches the followingIdentity: '\'. Please make sure that you specified the correct PublicFolder Identity and that you have the necessary permissions to view PublicFolder.At line:1 char:16+ get-publicfolder <<<<Losing the one public folder isn't a big deal to be honest, and the rest seem to be accessible, but I'm sure this error isn't a good thing, so any help would be appreciated.
November 20th, 2007 10:55pm
Bump on this. I'm having the same issues. Also, I have SP1 installed and can not see any public folders in the new public folder tool. I try to make a new public folder with the new tool and get the same error and will not allow me to creat a new public folder.
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January 2nd, 2008 8:52pm