Cant Connect To Exchange Server In Other Country
We have Exchange server setup in one country. When we travel to Vietnam or other country, it seem like the Exchange server unavailable and not able to connect at all. All the time only can access through OWA Is this due to local country ISP blocking some port there? Did anybody encounter this problem?
February 2nd, 2008 2:39pm
How are you trying to connect to the server?
Using RPC over HTTP?
Using MAPI or?
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February 2nd, 2008 3:28pm
Hi, I'm using RPC over HTTP. My laptop running at Vista and using Outlook 2007. Actually, we have 2 Exchange server running at one site. One is Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007 server. Both also encounter same error can't connect to exchange because exchange server not online,when travel to other country like vietnam and china.
February 3rd, 2008 11:51am
It does sound as if the port 443 is blocked by the ISP (are you using https when connecting to OWA?).
This might help you troubleshoot:
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February 3rd, 2008 1:11pm
Exchange server has multi ways to connect from the internet, if your configuration has done properly for your problem check for these:
POP3 enable because its came disable by default
Your firewall allows income and outgoing for SMTP and POP3 ports and protocols as well
I dont thing an ISP will block any port, and your problem not in 1 country as you explain
if you are using ISA you need to create a new rules to allow trafic from outsite to your exchange server on port smtp and pop3
and another from your exchange to outsite for the same protocols.
February 3rd, 2008 2:52pm
Ali Ezzeddine wrote:
I dont thing an ISP will block any port, and your problem not in 1 country as you explain
Actually some ISP's do block ports. At my girlfriends house port 25 and 110 are blocked and I can't check my email via pop and smtp when I am there so I have to use OWA!
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February 7th, 2008 4:40pm
Hi, We check the RCP over HTTP setting nothing wrong. The problematic can't connect from Vietnam is Exch 2007 server which newly setup. We have another Exch 2003 running at same place, strange thing able to connect from Vietnam. Any solution for this much appreciate.
February 15th, 2008 5:19pm
Finally, we have resolve the issue after further trouble shooting it related to ROH SSL cert problem. The problem been resolve
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February 18th, 2008 5:45pm