Can´t access to owa - Exchange 2007
Hi All,We are migrating from Lotus Domino 8 to Exchange 2007.Migrated user can access to Outlook and OWA, but there is only one user that cant access to owa. Everytime He put his username and password the owa says that the username o password is incorrect.I reseted hispassword and he cant access owa, but he is able to log on local domain and access to MS Outlook client.Any Ideas?Thanks.
May 13th, 2009 2:26am
I know this is very basic, but does this person have OWA feature enabled under the "mailbox features" tab in EMC?
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May 13th, 2009 7:48pm
Hi Lord_vader,I found the solution:From Active Directory usersand Computer console users that can access to owa have in properties/Account tab enable "All computers" in Log On to field , but user that cant access to owa have in his properties/Account tab just some computers (There is not Exchange Computers) in Log On button field.So, to fix this problem i just added Exchange Computer.Thanks.
May 14th, 2009 9:36pm