Central contact management - solutions?
We have Exchange 2007 and all our users run Outlook 2007. Currently everyone keeps own set of contacts in Outlook. This is not convinient. We are ready to establish a central location for single contact set (we just have merged all the contacts and removed duplicates) for all users in the office. A few users in the office need rights to add new and edit contacts. Others - just read access. We would also like to have access to that central set of contacts from outside of the office as we use OWA. What are available solutions from Exchange 2007? Thank you in advance.
May 27th, 2009 6:18pm
If you use public folders, you can set up a centralized public contacts folder. You can control the permissions pretty granularly (I'd use AD security groups for this). Or you could use Sharepoint. If you need a real CRM, though, look into SalesForce. It's an outside service and integrates very nicely into Outlook - it does a heck of a lot more than Outlook (or Exchange/OWA) can.Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]
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November 3rd, 2009 10:54pm