Certificado Exchange 2007
Boa Tarde,
Estou com um problema na aps a instalao do Exchange 2007.
Tenho um domnio externo = Webmail.xxx.com.br
E interno = bsi200.planum.corp
Criei uma chave em uma CA com o domnio externo webmail.xxx.com.br porm os clientes outlooks esto dando erro de chave, pois esto chamando o domnio interno bsi200.planum.corp usando a chave externa webmailxxx.com.br.
Aps pesquisar no frum tentei solicitar uma chave CA UC porm foi negada devido ao meu domnio interno ter .corp
Algum poderia ajudar ?
Tem algum jeito de direcionar uma outra chave para os clientes internos outlook.
Leonardo Rocha
August 16th, 2012 2:38pm
Hi Leonardo,
I am sorry that it seems that you have
requested support for exchange product in Spanish version. Since we do not familiar with this language, it is very difficult for us to perform further troubleshooting
steps, such as capture the log file. This forum is geared to answer on the English version of the product. For the forum support in Spanish please use
the link below
Your understanding would be appreciated.
Fiona Liao
TechNet Community Support
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August 17th, 2012 5:55am
Hi Leonardo,
I am sorry that it seems that you have
requested support for exchange product in Spanish version. Since we do not familiar with this language, it is very difficult for us to perform further troubleshooting
steps, such as capture the log file. This forum is geared to answer on the English version of the product. For the forum support in Spanish please use
the link below
Your understanding would be appreciated.
Fiona Liao
TechNet Community Support
August 17th, 2012 5:59am
It's actually Portuguese (Brazil)
Could you post your question in English?
Se no, aqui est o frum portugus:
http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/pt-br/exc2007pt/threadsPlease mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question. That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you.
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August 17th, 2012 8:08pm