We've got one end-user out of 65 getting a certificate error when starting outlook 2010. He launches it, gets the security alert error saying "autodiscover.ourdomain.com Information you exchange with this site cannot be viewed or changed by others. However, there is a problem with the site's security certificate". He's got the green check mark next to "The security certificate is from a trusted certifying authority" and green next to "The security certificate date is valid". There's a red x next to "The name on the security certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site". He can click the yes button and get into outlook but he's not connected to the server. If I click the View certificate button I see that it has "WWW.eane.org" on it. I have no idea who www.eane.org is, so I'm guessing the certificate got in there somehow but I don't know how to get it out. I'm not good at cert issues because they don't come up very often, but I did go into his cert manager and looked around, didn't see anything with www.eane.org in there so I'm blind or not understanding what I'm seeing.
Researching on the web, I found a few things to try such as deleting the certificates key in the registry (Yes I exported it first), adding the line localhost to the hosts file. I found stuff that was server related but it's only one end user affected so I'm not touching the server. Environment is exchange 2010 with outlook 2010, by the way. Also, we're not using outlook web access or outlook anywhere. Any ideas would be appreciated! Thanks!
- Edited by pjb515 17 hours 29 minutes ago