I need to find out the process on how i can renew my mail certifcate under Exchange admin center(EAC).
I have been getting 2 alerts when accessing the EAC page which when i click on those alerts icon, it reads:
"The certificate "mail.XXX.XXX.XXX(mail dns name), on server DC-CAS-SV-XXX is about to expire on the 8/08/2015.
I then navigate down the page and under status of that mail.XXX.XXX.XXX, i click on RENEW option which then brings up another page which i have now get stuck on and need clearification on how to create a new certificate request and submit to CA.
Note that IMAP,POP3,IIS & SMTP are assigned services to the above mail dns name and it might affect the mail flow if not renew quickly.
Please can anyone assist on this..