Change LegacyExchangeDN ?
Hello, I have deactivated a mailbox based on the son domain. I moved that mailbox from the AD on the main domain and created the same mailbox. The user misses a folder and claim a restore. The things is that the folder seems NOT to be on the activate mailbox but on the Deactivated one. I tried to reconnect on the deactivate mailbox but it doesn't let me as the Legacy Exchange is already used by the activate one. I though about a temporary rename: Get-Mailbox | Where {$_.LegacyExchangeDN -like "ACTIVATEMAILBOXLAGACY"} | Mailbox -LegacyExchangeDN "TEMPO-CHANGEGACTIVATEMAILBOXLAGACY" I would like to know what would be the consequences and if it is a good idea to rename the LegacyExchangeDN to allow me to reconnect the dsiconnected mailbox. One I would be able to extract the missing folder, I would delete completely the mailbox and then rename the LegacyExchangeDN as it was before. Graig
June 14th, 2010 12:31pm

Hello, I have deactivated a mailbox based on the son domain. I moved that mailbox from the AD on the main domain and created the same mailbox. The user misses a folder and claim a restore. The things is that the folder seems NOT to be on the activate mailbox but on the Deactivated one. I tried to reconnect on the deactivate mailbox but it doesn't let me as the Legacy Exchange is already used by the activate one. I though about a temporary rename: Get-Mailbox | Where {$_.LegacyExchangeDN -like "ACTIVATEMAILBOXLAGACY"} | Mailbox -LegacyExchangeDN "TEMPO-CHANGEGACTIVATEMAILBOXLAGACY" I would like to know what would be the consequences and if it is a good idea to rename the LegacyExchangeDN to allow me to reconnect the dsiconnected mailbox. One I would be able to extract the missing folder, I would delete completely the mailbox and then rename the LegacyExchangeDN as it was before. Graig Hi, When u rename the LegacyDN attrirbute the email wont be delivered to this mailbox which are replied to this mailbox. While new emails to this user wont be having problem. In this condition You can add old LegacyDN as the X500 email address to the mailbox, bcoz of that this mailbox will receive the email replied to this mailbox. Have a look into this link, it tells you how to add it as x.500 email address. You will have to change the LegacyDN using some AD Editor tool like ADSIEdit.msc. Plz also have a look into this thread, where the O.P was having the problem in Email delivery due to change in LegacyDN. Regards, Laeeq Qazi|Team Lead(Exchange + Sharepoint + BES + DynamicsCRM)
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June 14th, 2010 12:56pm

I was wondering: Would that not be possible to change the LegacyExchangeDn of the disconnected mailbox directly??? Otherwise, woudl I need to user ADSIEDIT.msc to rename the legacy? Wouldn't that command would do the job: Get-Mailbox | Where {$_.LegacyExchangeDN -like "ACTIVATEMAILBOXLAGACY"} | Mailbox -LegacyExchangeDN "TEMPO-CHANGEGACTIVATEMAILBOXLAGACY"
June 14th, 2010 1:41pm

Hello, Would that be possible to renma e the legcy exhcnage on the disconnected mailbox directly?? Do I have to use that ADSIEdit.msc? or the below commend would do the job? Get-Mailbox | Where {$_.LegacyExchangeDN -like "ACTIVATEMAILBOXLAGACY"} | Mailbox -LegacyExchangeDN "TEMPO-CHANGEGACTIVATEMAILBOXLAGACY"
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June 14th, 2010 1:44pm

Hello, Would that be possible to renma e the legcy exhcnage on the disconnected mailbox directly?? Do I have to use that ADSIEdit.msc? or the below commend would do the job? Get-Mailbox | Where {$_.LegacyExchangeDN -like "ACTIVATEMAILBOXLAGACY"} | Mailbox -LegacyExchangeDN "TEMPO-CHANGEGACTIVATEMAILBOXLAGACY" There is no way i think to change the LegacyDn of the disconnected mailbox. You will have to change the mailbox LegacyDN using ADSIEDit.msc or some other AD Editor tool, there is no command for this in Exchange shell and Set-Mailbox cant modify LegacyExchangeDN attribute. Regards,Laeeq Qazi|Team Lead(Exchange + Sharepoint + BES + DynamicsCRM)
June 14th, 2010 1:49pm

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