Hello all. I need a little guidance with this.
I am trying to implement a dropdown that passes the selected item's ID to a Save button. The ID parmeter is needed to show a custom view of a new item's data. Here are the two snippets of code:
This is the code for the Savebutton. A relative url is being used as a placeholder
<td style="grid-column-align: end;"> <a id="lnkSave" href="../SEB%20Product%20Planning1/AllItems.aspx" data-ajax="false" data-role="button"> <img style="border: 0" src="http://ai-spsebdev5/SEBTracker/SiteAssets/Save.png" /></a> </td>
Here is the change function snippet:
//Dropdown Change Event $("#ddlProductPlan").change(function () { $(a[href='../SEBTracker....?ID=']).attr('href', ".../SEBTracker...?ID=" + $(this).val().split(';')[0])); // Fetch the Product Plan Details fnGetProductPlanDetails(false); // Fetch the Resource Allocation for the chosen Product Plan fnPopulateResourceAllocation(); alert("End"); });
The problem I am having is the first time an item is selected, the href is updated to that item. If you change to a different item without saving, the href still holds the value of the first selected item. What am I doing wrong? I need the href to have the current selected item, not stay with the first selected item.
Thanks, James