Change password - user mailbox exchange 2007?
Hi!I am quite new to exchange 2007. We have a stand alone server (not domain controller with AD) that is running exchange 2007. A user has forgot his password and I dont find where or howto change his mailbox password in the exchange 2007 console?Anyone please?Thanks,Henrik
May 13th, 2008 12:19pm
I would do it with Quest Active Directory PowerShell cmdlets. Which is easiest way.
Code SnippetSet-QADUser Display Name -UserPassword Password
Quest PowerShell Commands for Active Directory
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May 13th, 2008 1:03pm
perfecto! muchas gracias - me ha funcionado de maravilla!No se que esta haciendo exchange o si tenemos algo mal configurado es como a partir de un tiempo dejan de funcionar los logins y tengo que volver a poner las contraseas... igual tienes una idea de que puede ser?Gracias,Henrik
May 13th, 2008 2:28pm