Change product key after deployment
Hi everybody, Is there a way to change the installed product key on an Exchange Server 2007 Standard Edition? I have used the Standard Edition product key by mistake and I need to have the Enterprise Edition. Beeing on MSDN, I have both keys. Is there a way to do this whithout re-installing the server? Thank you in advance.
February 23rd, 2007 4:34pm

I have used the wrong key. Instead of Enterprise i by mistake used the Standard one. Need to change the product key. Plz help
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March 4th, 2007 12:28pm
March 7th, 2007 1:49am

Oh sorry, that link is for changing Office code, not Exchange! I haven't played much yet with 2007, but came across the following here, so you can do it: Product keys can be used for same edition key swaps and upgrades only, and they cannot be used for downgrades. You can use a valid product key to go from the evaluation version (Trial Edition) to either the Standard Edition or the Enterprise Edition; you can also use a valid product key to go from the Standard Edition to the Enterprise Edition.You can also re-license the server using the same edition product key.For example, if you had two Standard Edition servers with two keys, but you accidentally used the same key on both servers, you can change the key for one of them to be the other key that you were issued.You can take these actions without having to reinstall or reconfigure anything.After you enter the product key and restart the MicrosoftExchange Information Store service, the edition corresponding to that product key will be reflected. However, you cannot use product keys to downgrade from the Enterprise Edition to the Standard Edition, nor can you use them to revert to the Trial Edition. These types of downgrades can only be done by uninstalling Exchange2007, reinstalling Exchange2007, and entering in the correct product key. Can you not right-click on the server under Server Configuration and choose 'Enter Product Key' or something like that? S.
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March 7th, 2007 2:34am

The solution above woks perfectly. I've done the key swap and now I have Enterprise Edition registered. Thanks.
March 7th, 2007 12:07pm

Hi, I having the same problem, I have installed the RTM vesion on Exchange Server 2007 Std. version: 08.00.0685.018, Every time when I start Exchange Management ControlI getmy unlicensed servers and the number of days left for the trial to expire.I have to add the product keyto make it parmanent. I can't find the option of 'EnterProduct Key' when right click Server Configration. If i use the command in Exchange Management console 'set-ExchangeServer SERVERNAME -ProductKey aaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa' it gives an error 'Can not bind parameter Product Key' How do I add product key in my server. Please help urgently. Regards, Nzm
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March 14th, 2007 3:29pm

Hi Nzm, Have exactlythe same problem and error msg. Did you find a solution yet? Greetz, Jeroen Netherlands
July 4th, 2007 6:58pm

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