Changing CN attribute for Offline Address Book
I am trying to run the Get-GlobalAddressList | Update-GlobalAddressList but in turn I get the following error:
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-GlobalAddressList | Update-GlobalAddressList
WARNING: The recipient "contoso.local/Microsoft Exchange System Objects/Offline
Address Book - \/o=Contoso\/cn=addrlists\/cn=oabs\/cn=Default " is invalid and
could not be updated.
It turns out that the the CN name has some spaces and I cannot delete the spaces in ADSI edit. The attribute I am trying to change is this:
Offline Address Book - /o=Contose/cn=addrlists/cn=oabs/cn=Default
How can I delete the space after the default while the attribute is owned by the SYSTEM and do I need to delete other spaces in the name?
Any help would be apprciated.
April 11th, 2012 6:53pm
I can tell you exactly why you are getting this warning message.
System folder for Default offline address list is mail enabled in your exchange organization and thus it has created an object under Microsoft Exchange System object. Because its mail enabled public folder, When you try to update the Global address
lists its trying to update this mail enabled public folder as well
You can either Mail disable this folder by using Public folder management console or
1. Open up Active directory users and computers
Expand the Domain Partition
3. Expand Microsoft Exchange System Objects
4. Remove this mail enabled Public Folder objectPlease remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Hasnain Shaikh| My blogs:
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April 12th, 2012 2:13am