Changing Primary E-mail Address for a User
I'm stuck on something in SBS2003R1.
How do I properly and sucessfully change a users primary SMTP E-mail Address.
I tried setting that Users' E-mail address in the Users Property sheet but it keeps changing back to the one originally set in the User Wizard.
Whats the correct procedure for updating the primary e-mail address?
February 27th, 2008 5:22pm
You should change the email primay address on Email addresses tab. Set the primary address on this tab. Finally, Please remember uncheck the box "Automaticlly update emai addrs basd on recipient policy". Thanks
Simple steps
1. Rundsa.msc on exchange server
2. Selectthe target users properties
3. Change to Email addresses tab
4. Set primary email
5. uncheck the check box"Automaically update email address basedon recipient policy"
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February 27th, 2008 6:24pm