Wonder if anyone out there can assist.
Trying to install Office Pro Plus using the click to run option.
Getting this error
DownloadAndExtractCab: PERF start download: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\Data\ClientUpdateDir\i321033.cab
2014/02/28 11:23:07:805::[2820] Downloading cab: C:\Downloads\Office365\Office\Data\15.0.4569.1507\i321033.cab -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\Data\ClientUpdateDir\i321033.cab
2014/02/28 11:23:07:805::[2820] Error: Failed to copy file src: C:\Downloads\Office365\Office\Data\15.0.4569.1507\i321033.cab, dest: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\Data\ClientUpdateDir\i321033.cab ErrorCode: 2(0x2). File C:\Downloads\Office365\Office\Data\15.0.4569.1507\i321033.cab
download failed.
Problem I see is that if I look in the Office\Data\15.0.4569.1507 I do not see the i321033.cab file.
My setup.exe /download configuration.xml passes with a success message.
My config.xml file looks like this
<Add SourcePath="C:\Downloads\Office365" OfficeClientEdition="32">
<Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail" >
<Language ID="en-us" />
<Display Level="Full" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />
<Logging Name="OfficeSetup.txt" Path="c:\Temp" />
<Updates Enabled="TRUE" />
Any help would be great.
Doing tests in a new virtual machine with nothing on it besides Windows 7 Pro SP1
Thank you in advance