Cluster Will Not Failover to New Node
I added a new node to my Exchange 2003 SP2 clustered environment. I know that all of my settings are correct. When I try to failover one of my virtual groups, it gives me an error:
An error occurred attempting to move the ' ' group.
The cluster node was not found.
Error ID: 5042 (000013b2).
Here is the quirky part to this whole problem. My virtual exchange groups won't failover, but my cluster and quorum group failover with no problem. Can someone help me resolve this issue?
Thanks in advance
October 13th, 2008 7:09pm
Hi Batekhead,
Verify that possible owner shows both nodes and add new one if it is not added and restart the cluster administrator service.
How to Specify the Possible Owners for an Exchange Resource Using Cluster Administrator
XADM: How to Add a Node to an Exchange 2000 Cluster
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October 13th, 2008 7:21pm
It is listed in the nodes and I have restarted the services on all nodes. The cluster and quorum group failover with no problem. it is just my exchange groups that won't failover. any other ideas?
October 13th, 2008 10:54pm
Issue description: Exchange group cannot failover to another node, but cluster group and quorum group failover well
Exchange group may have all nodes as potential owners, but how about the resources in it? They need to get this all matched up. Properties of exchange group lists all nodes, and each resource within that group needs to match that list as well. Please check them all, unmatched lists will cause the same symptom:
Use <cluster res "resourcename" /listowners> for all resources
When you reproduce the issue, is there any error info generated on the application log?
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October 14th, 2008 1:04pm
Thanks. That was the issue. I added the node to the resources and it failed over successfully. Now I have to figure out why it didn't stay failed over to the new node. It stayed for about 3 min. and then failed back. Any ideas?
October 19th, 2008 6:14pm
Is there any related error or warning when the CCR failover back to active node?
What if you pause active node in the "Cluster Admin" after the failover? Can failover successed?
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October 20th, 2008 1:43pm
well i guess that the issue resolved itself. yesterday, one of my active nodes failed and the database failed over to the new node and stayed. it has no errors. i don't know what is up. i am running the exchange analyzer on it to make sure that everything is ok. thanks for your help.
October 21st, 2008 5:01pm
Glad it has been solved, and please update if there's any further change happens
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October 22nd, 2008 4:14am