Combine documents

I have a word 2007 document with text in the left hand cells of a table.   It's a document containing children's school reports with teachers comments in so there is a repeating two page format but unique text inside the table.

A second word document contains text in the right hand cells of the table. (this has been pulled in from an external database). These will be levels which are not available until near the end of Summer Term.

I would like to combine them into a new document containing both sets of text.

I have been trying to use the combine facility but it will only let me accept or reject the changes, rather than keep both - although I'm sure when I first tried this it worked perfectly!

Alternatively, is there a way to merge the document with an excel spreadsheet, bearing in mind the spreadsheet would contain name, level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4 for each child and each leavl would need to be inserted into a different cell of the table in the word document.

I can't help feeling that there must be a way to do this in Office.  It would save SO MUCH stress and hassle for the teachers if we can work it out! 

  • Edited by SharpyS Tuesday, March 24, 2015 5:07 PM
March 24th, 2015 4:52pm

Bringing in database fields would probably be easier in an Excel spreadsheet. You could repost your question in the Office Developer forum at, or possibly in the Word Developer forum at

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