I am getting the following SCOM alert every night, then it resolves itself in the morning. Our database are configured without limits and we do not retain items that are hard deleted. We don't have any quotas. I don't know what "Quota" the alert is referring to. Any assistance appreciated.
Alert: {2}
Source: mailserver - Compliance
Path: mailserver.domain.com;mailserver.domain.com
Last modified by: System
Last modified time: 4/12/2015 11:16:23 PM Alert description: Probe: {Compliance/ELCComponent_DumpsterWarningQuota}
Mailbox guid: {8513a7a4-e42c-487b-bbb0-4631e4afb935}
In Org: {}
With stack trace: {Mailbox: 8513a7a4-e42c-487b-bbb0-4631e4afb935 is over dumpster warning quota.} If the mailbox is on hold, dumpster quota will need to be increased. If not on hold, get last ELC exception from Export-MailboxDiagnosticLogs -Component MRM then statistics with -ExtendedProperties and look at all ELC properties.