Please confirm the Archive in your post is to move all mailbox data older than 999 days to Archive Mailbox except Notes folder. If it just means the archive to a local PST file in Outlook, it can be achieved in Outlook AutoArchive feature:
If your goal is to move the older items to archive mailbox in Exchange, we can use retention policy to do it:
1. Create a Default Policy Tag to move items older than 999 days to Archive mailbox:
New-RetentionPolicyTag "Default Archive items older than 999 days" -Type All -Comment "Items without a retention tag are moved to archive mailbox after 999 days." -RetentionEnabled $true -AgeLimitForRetention 999 -RetentionAction MoveToArchive
2. Create a Personal Tag for Notes folder:
New-RetentionPolicyTag "Personal Tag for Notes folder" -Type Personal -Comment "The items in Notes folder is never expired." -RetentionEnabled $False -RetentionAction MoveToArchive
3. Create a Retention Policy:
New-RetentionPolicy "New Retention Policy" -RetentionPolicyTagLinks "Default Archive items older than 999 days","Personal Tag for Notes folder"
4. Apply the new created retention policy to mailbox:
Set-Mailbox "Mailbox1" -RetentionPolicy "New Retention Policy"
Here is a helpful article for your reference: