Configuring Retention Deletion on individual folders in Exchange 2003
On an Exchange 2003 Ent SP2 server, can you set the Deletion Settings to apply to certain folders (like for example to apply ony to the Inbox and to the Deleted Items folders) instead of to the entire Mailbox Store?I don't see an option for that under the Mailbox Store propertiesIt looks to me that this is not a GUI thing but rather a request that calls for a script.I appreciate the help in advance
August 6th, 2009 10:41pm
Nah man! Retention settings can be done up to mailbox level but not atindividualfolder level.
I hope you are not talking about mailbox manager policy...
How to use recipient policies to control mailboxes in Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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August 7th, 2009 5:50am
What about in some form of scripting? is it possible?I think I have heard before that it is possible but only with some sort of scripting...
August 9th, 2009 10:29pm
I agree with Amit. We can set deleted item retention on store level or individual mailbox.Besides,I'd like to know whcih folder that you want to set deleted item retention differ to others.Regards,Xiu
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August 10th, 2009 8:26am
guys, what is wrong with you? this is possible in 2003unless I posted the question wrong, this thing is easily accomplished by the mailbox manager policy.I went to the mailbox manager and setup a policy to delete items olders than 90 days and excluded all folders except Inbox and Deleted Items, thus this policy, when it runs, it applies to these 2 folders only.It was so easy that I didnt even beleive it myself, so I called Microsoft to confirm and they indeed confirmed. They told me I had gone to the right place to get this done.come'n guys
August 11th, 2009 5:12pm
Great, that is called "Mailbox Management Settings" or "Mailbox Manager Policy",I got doubt and given you the link of a KB319188 in first reply.... :)
The word "Retention Deletion" in your query refers to the mails which are deleted (hard delete or shift delete) from mailbox but keep available in dumpster during retention time configured in "Keep Deleted Items" setting as a Recoverable Items which we can NOT set on folder level...
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Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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August 11th, 2009 5:25pm
I see. I think I said it once before and I say it it again, this has been perhaps the best forum I've found. I see the difference that you are talking about. You have to excuse the novice as we dont use the correct terminology.Your link hasindeed help as I used it whenI found out about the Mailbox Manager in the ESM.thank you Amit
August 12th, 2009 12:36am