Connecting vista clients to SBS2003 trough VPN
I have the folowing problem I installed SBS2003 at my headoffice and connected with succes all computers in the LAN there ( I set up a VPN between thw routers (localy and, added a static route on the SBS and now the vpn works fine, i can ping all local adresses from either end. Note: I use the SBS server for acces to the internet, and router at for setting up the VPN The problem is that i cannot connect any computer trough the vpn to the server, alltoughI can ping the server from any of them on the local network. The eror messege is : An error ocurred while trying to copy the Client Setup files from the server. The two posible beeing proxyies (excuded), and bad instalation of the ConnectComputer web site (also excluded, works fine for computers with 192.168.3.x - local) I read somewhere that there is an issue with connecting Vista computers VIA, VPN Can you please help me with this issue. Thanks,
August 5th, 2008 2:46pm

Hi, It seems the current issue is a SBS issue. Please understand that we mainly discuss Exchange issues in this forum. You can refer to the following link to get help from Windows Small Business Server User Groups Windows Small Business Server User Groups The following forum maybe helpful also: Thanks, Elvis
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August 7th, 2008 11:54am

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