We are running exchange 2013 with 2 servers in a DAG. On one of the servers we are getting error messages in the event log to do with the search function.
Microsoft.Exchange.Search.Core.Abstraction.OperationFailedException: The
component operation has failed. --->
Microsoft.Exchange.Search.Engine.FeedingSkippedException: "Feeding was skipped
for 'b0d55635-e3d9-4d83-9661-d7379e1cf0b0 (MDB01)' due to the state 'Unknown',
error code: 'Unknown'." at
state) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at
asyncResult) at
When someone attempts a search which uses the server we get the following message.
Exchange Server Information Store has encountered an error while executing a full-text index query ("string("mark*", mode="and")"). Error information: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[System.ServiceModel.ExceptionDetail]: Internal error while processing request (Fault Detail is equal to An ExceptionDetail, likely created by IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults=true, whose value is:
I have looked on the internet for a solution and so far nothing has helped the issue. I've looked at the content submitters group but I would have thought it would have effected both servers and not just 1.
I've run the script to install the search foundation service but this has not resolved the issue.
Has anyone come across the errors both and resolved the issue?