Converting Visio Database Diagram to PDF loses containers

I have a diagram of my database and it looks good within visio 2010.  When I go to the Acrobat tab and do "Create PDF" it generates the PDF but some of my containers are missing. 

Is there some setting that is causing this?

I have removed the tables in the missing container and container and re-created them within my diagram but the issue still happens.

Thank you

February 19th, 2015 11:10pm

I've just tried creating a diagram with 2 containers, and exporting as PDF with 3 different PDF generators, the internal one from the Save As menu, then PDF995 and NitroPDF. All 3 PDF files showed the 2 containers.

Try another PDF generator, or try exporting in a different file format (e.g. PNG) and see if that is better. I'm not saying that this is a fix for the problem, it just helps to pin down the problem.

Another thing to check is that the containers are not on a non-printing layer.

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February 20th, 2015 12:11am


As far as I know, if we use the Acrobat PDFmaker add-in to export the PDF in Visio 2010, it may lost the Container shapebecause there are some compatibility issues. I recommend we use the build-in feature of Visio to save as PDF.


George Zhao
TechNet Community Support

February 20th, 2015 5:40am

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