Create/Modify Quicksteps using EWS?


Is there a way to add or modify quicksteps for other users (global) using EWS and Powershell?

Or somebody know a other way to share quicksteps (global)?

(Server: Exchange_2010_SP1)




Marcel Adam

July 20th, 2011 3:05pm


the QuickTips are stores in a hidden folder under the MsgFolderRoot. Each action is stored in an item in the folder associates items store of that folder.

You can use this code to get the configuration data of the first custom action:

private static readonly ExtendedPropertyDefinition PidTagRoamingXmlStream =
   new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(0x7C08, MapiPropertyType.Binary);

var folder = service.FindFolders(WellKnownFolderName.MsgFolderRoot,
                                new SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(FolderSchema.DisplayName, "Quick Step Settings"),
                                new FolderView(10)).First();
var itemId = folder.FindItems(new ItemView(10) {PropertySet = PropertySet.IdOnly, Traversal = ItemTraversal.Associated}).First().Id;
var item = Item.Bind(service, itemId,
                    new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties, PidTagRoamingXmlStream));
byte[] result;
if (item.TryGetProperty(PidTagRoamingXmlStream, out result))
   var action = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(result);

Note: Only custom actions are stored here - so you need to create at least one.

I have not tried to modify them yet.

Kind regards,
  "Marceliniho" wrote in message


Is there a way to add or modify quicksteps for other users (global) using EWS and Powershell?

Or somebody know a other way to share quicksteps (global)?

(Server: Exchange_2010_SP1)


Marcel Adam

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July 20th, 2011 5:25pm

Here we go

July 16th, 2015 10:11am

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