I am new in scripting and wanted to create a PowerShell script for room mailbox creation that will fulfil below requirements:
1. Take input from a csv file. Input will contain Display Name, Manager name (manager can be any user of any domain from entire forest and it can be like domain\user).
2. Create a Room Mailbox with Alpha numeric account names but display names can be in alpha. Example: Display Name: “Conference Room US”, Account name: “RoomMailBox8854”.
3. The numbers used in account name shall be unique and rendom. If I have created a mailbox with RoomMailBox8854 name then next time whenever I run the script It will generate a unique account numbers for the mailbox but the name "RoomMailBox"
should be common for every room mailbox.
4. Manager option should be selected.
5. After creation should generate a report for the same.
6. Need Script with or without Error handling.