Create contact object in exchange 2007
I have exported users information from one of exchange 2003organization in CSV format and I want to import this users information in my exchange 2007 organization as contacts objects (custom recipients) and this CVS file contain 90000 users name. Can create contact objectin exchange 2007 from this CSV file
June 23rd, 2008 1:12pm
Hi Nagori,
I assume that you have CSV file in below format.
You can run below command to create contacts to ContactsOU organization unit.
Import-Csv Contacts.csv | Foreach { New-Mailcontact -alias $_.MailNickname -name $_.DisplayName -ExternalEmailAddress $_.smtpAddress -org ContactsOU }
You can add additional parameters based on your CSV file, here is the reference for New-MailContact command.
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June 23rd, 2008 1:41pm
I have CSV file in following format
ExternalEmailAddress Displayname John George
and I apply following command on Exchange Shell
[PS] C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>Import-Csv C:\mbrf.csv | Foreach {New-Mailcontact -ExternalEmailAddress $_.smtpaddress -name $_.DisplayName -org ContactsOU}
And getting erros I have try all combination but it did not work what is wrong in Syntex
New-MailContact : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'ExternalEmailAddress' because it is null.At line:1 char:72+ Import-Csv C:\mbrf.csv | Foreach {New-Mailcontact -ExternalEmailAddress <<<< $_.smtpaddress -name $_.DisplayName -org ContactsOU}
June 30th, 2008 9:17am
Hello Nagori,
Change the csv file to below format
smtpaddress Displayname John George
Below command is not able to find the column "smtpaddress".
Import-Csv C:\mbrf.csv | Foreach {New-Mailcontact -ExternalEmailAddress $_.smtpaddress -name $_.DisplayName -org ContactsOU}
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June 30th, 2008 9:56am