Creating Mail Contacts with Power Shell
The set-mailcontact parameters only allow you to set mail enabled attributes for AD attributes such as title and company you need to use the set-contact cmdlet.James Chong MCITP | EA | EMA; MCSE | M+, S+ Security+, Project+, ITIL
March 15th, 2012 8:42pm
I've began receiving a monthly CSV file that is a dump of the GAL from another company we own. They are totally autonomous and there is no chance of any AD integration between the two organizations, so these records are being imported into
our AD as mail contacts.
Here is the powershell script I created to do this:
$ContactList = Import-Csv c:\import.csv
foreach($contact in $ContactList)
$name=$contact.displayName + " - EX"
New-MailContact -Name $name -ExternalEmailAddress $contact.mail -DisplayName $name -Firstname $contact.givenName -Initials $contact.initials -Lastname $ -OrganizationalUnit "EXContacts"
This seems to work well enough, just tested and it creates the contacts. However, some of the fields in the source CSV file (in particular, title, company, etc) don't seem to exist in the New- MailContact function. Am I missing something,
or is there a way to add these at creation, or after the fact via another commandlet?
Any help is appreciated.
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March 17th, 2012 1:36pm
The set-mailcontact parameters only allow you to set mail enabled attributes for AD attributes such as title and company you need to use the set-contact cmdlet.James Chong MCITP | EA | EMA; MCSE | M+, S+ Security+, Project+, ITIL
March 17th, 2012 1:47pm
Thanks, that worked perfect. Appreciate the help!
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March 17th, 2012 4:23pm
Final script if it helps anyone else out:
# Import Contacts
# By David
# 3/14/2012
$ContactList = Import-Csv c:\import.csv
foreach($contact in $ContactList)
$name=$contact.displayName + " - EX"
$alias=$contact.givenName + $contact.initials + $ + "EX"
$alias = $alias.Replace(" ", "") # get rid of any spaces since they aren't allowed in alias
$alias = $alias.Replace(",", "") # get rid of any commas since they aren't allowed in alias
$alias = $alias.Replace("(", "") # get rid of any parens since they aren't allowed in alias
$alias = $alias.Replace(")", "") # get rid of any parens since they aren't allowed in alias
New-MailContact -Name $name -alias $alias -ExternalEmailAddress $contact.mail -DisplayName $name -Firstname $contact.givenName -Initials $contact.initials -Lastname $ -OrganizationalUnit "EXContacts"
set-contact -identity $alias -title $contact.title -notes $contact.description -phone $contact.telephoneNumber -department $contact.department -company $ -office $contact.physicalDeliveryOfficeName
March 17th, 2012 4:25pm