Creating internal DNS question
I have upgraded my exchange 2003 environment and built 3 new Exchange 2007 servers. 1 Mailbox role, 1 Client Access role, and 1 Hub transport role. I still have my Exchange 2003 server in the domain. I have my point to my
exchange 2003 server. I want to change this to my exchange 2007 server and decommission the 2003 server. Which Exchange 2007 server should get I have inherited this exchange environment and we are having a debate. Some
people say I should make the my hub transport server and some say it should be the mailbox server. Does anyone know the best practice for this? The way it is now is the is my hub transport server - this allows scanners
which 'scan-to-email' work, but outlook clients who have an MST file pointing new profiles to - the outlook won't resolve the name. If I use as my mailbox server - then outlook clients will work but scanners which 'scan-to-email'
will not work. I believe the scanners will not work because I cannot go to a command prompt and type 'telnet 'mailbox-server' 25' - I CAN do this on the hub transport server.
I'm thinking needs to be the mailbox server and SMTP needs to be enabled so we can telnet into it - this will allow scanners to function and outlook clients to function.
Any help is greatly appreciated as I do not consider myself an exchange engineer - some of you gathered that by my question :)Zach Smith
December 1st, 2010 9:51am
Hi Zach
From what I understand of your post you need to point the scanners to the Hub transport server, you can create a new A-record for it if you want, but you can also just point them directly to the servername.
Whether or not the should point to the mailbox server depends on what you are doing with certificates. In exchange 2003 you only used one name on the certificate, in Exchange 2007 we normally use 3-4 names in the certificate. I would recommend
getting a new certificate for the Exchange 2007 server, this way you can get all the names in you want.
I normally include the following:,, CAS.internaldomain.local,cas(netbios)
/MartinExchange is a passion not just a collaboration software.
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December 1st, 2010 11:39am
Thanks for the reply MArtin. You lost me with the statement about certificates. If I want a web application to send an email or a scanner to send an email - why do I need a certificate? I'm confused.
ZachZach Smith
December 1st, 2010 12:01pm
Hi Zach
Sorry for confusing. For just relaying mail you don't need a certificate at all. For just having a web application or scanner sending mail you just need to point it to the Hub transport server and remember to create or edit the receive connector in Exchange
to allow the web server / scanner to relay mails through Exchange.
/MartinExchange is a passion not just a collaboration software.
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December 1st, 2010 12:11pm
Hi Zach,
Any updates on this issue?
If “” is only used to point the scanners to the Hub transport Server, you can just add a new record for your Hub transport Server.
If your scanner have any other requirements, please describe how your scanner works in detail.
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December 5th, 2010 10:42pm