Cross Forest Migration Batch Failed

I'm trying to run a cross forest migration batch. I've ran the prepare-moverequest.ps1 and then ADMT the account over to the new forest. I then proceed to start the batch it fails with a very generic error after maybe 20 seconds. I should mention this is from Exchange 2013 CU7 to Exchange 2013 CU7, and this worked prior to that update.

Get-MigrationBatch -Diagnostic | fl 

[PS] D:\TEMP>Get-MigrationBatch -Diagnostic | fl

RunspaceId                 : d8eea5cc-9eca-438e-8007-599978fd84a4
Identity                   : migration
Status                     : Failed
BatchGuid                  : 0e280188-7403-4b53-b1bf-34f62a5bec1e
TotalCount                 : 1
ActiveCount                : 0
StoppedCount               : 0
SyncedCount                : 0
FinalizedCount             : 0
FailedCount                : 0
FailedInitialSyncCount     : 0
FailedIncrementalSyncCount : 0
PendingCount               : 1
ProvisionedCount           : 0
ValidationWarningCount     : 0
ValidationWarnings         : {}
Message                    : An unknown error occurred while processing this migration batch.
CreationDateTime           : 2/19/2015 7:44:03 PM
CreationDateTimeUTC        : 2/19/2015 7:44:03 PM
StartDateTime              : 2/19/2015 7:44:03 PM
StartDateTimeUTC           : 2/19/2015 7:44:03 PM
InitialSyncDateTime        :
InitialSyncDateTimeUTC     :
InitialSyncDuration        :
LastSyncedDateTime         :
LastSyncedDateTimeUTC      :
FinalizedDateTime          :
FinalizedDateTimeUTC       :
SubmittedByUser            :
OwnerId                    : /Users/Batch Admin
OwnerExchangeObjectId      : 65208ace-1ea6-4599-a4ca-6d4b509dea90
NotificationEmails         : {temp.user}

ExcludedFolders            : {}
MigrationType              : ExchangeRemoteMove
BatchDirection             : Onboarding
Locale                     : en-US
Reports                    : {}
IsProvisioning             : False
BatchFlags                 : DisallowExistingUsers, UseAdvancedValidation
AutoRetryCount             : 0
CurrentRetryCount          : 0
AllowUnknownColumnsInCsv   : False
DiagnosticInfo             : <MigrationJob name="migration">
                                 <stateLastUpdated>2/19/2015 7:44:46 PM</stateLastUpdated>
                                 <error>An unknown error occurred while processing this migration batch.</error>
                                 <internalError>  at
                             Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.MigrationStatusData`1.SetFailedStatus(TStatus failureStatus,
                             Exception exception, String internalError, Nullable`1 state)    at
                             provider, Exception exception)    at Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.LegacyMigrationProcessor
                             .RunJobOperation(IMigrationDataProvider dataProvider, MigrationSession session,
                             MigrationJob job, Func`4 jobOperation)    at
                             session, IMigrationDataProvider dataProvider)    at
                             cacheEntry)    at
                             Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.MigrationScheduler.Process(IMigrationJobCache cache)    at
                             Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.MigrationApplication.Process()    at
                             Microsoft.Exchange.Servicelets.SyncMigration.SyncMigrationServicelet.Work()    at
                             System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext,
                             ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)    at
                             System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback
                             callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)    at
                             System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback
                             callback, Object state)    at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()  | at Microsoft.
                             localizedErrorMessage)  at
                             Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.MigrationPoisonCountThresholdExceededException..ctor()  at Mi
                              dataProvider, MigrationSession session, MigrationJob job, Func`4 jobOperation)  at
                             session, IMigrationDataProvider dataProvider)  at
                             cacheEntry)  at
                             Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.MigrationScheduler.Process(IMigrationJobCache cache)  at
                             Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.MigrationApplication.Process()  at
                             Microsoft.Exchange.Servicelets.SyncMigration.SyncMigrationServicelet.Work()  at
                             System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext,
                             ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)  at
                             System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback
                             callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)  at
                             System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback
                             callback, Object state)  at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
                             _Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.MigrationPoisonCountThresholdExceededException_An unknown
                             error occurred while processing this migration batch._|</internalError>
                                 <internalErrorTime>2/19/2015 7:44:46 PM</internalErrorTime>
                                     <FailureSide />
                                     <Message>An unknown error occurred while processing this migration
                                     <StackTrace>   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.Management.MigrationPermanentExc
                             eption..ctor(LocalizedString localizedErrorMessage)
                                at Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.MigrationPoisonCountThresholdExceededException..ctor()
                                at Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.LegacyMigrationProcessor.RunJobOperation(IMigrationData
                             Provider dataProvider, MigrationSession session, MigrationJob job, Func`4 jobOperation)
                             session, IMigrationDataProvider dataProvider)
                                at Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.MigrationScheduler.Process(IMigrationJobCache cache)
                                at Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.MigrationApplication.Process()
                                at Microsoft.Exchange.Servicelets.SyncMigration.SyncMigrationServicelet.Work()
                                at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext,
                             ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
                                at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext,
                             ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
                                at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext,
                             ContextCallback callback, Object state)
                                at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
                               <orginallyCreated>2/19/2015 7:44:03 PM</orginallyCreated>
                               <started>2/19/2015 7:44:03 PM</started>
                               <restarted>2/19/2015 7:44:03 PM</restarted>
                               <finalized />
                               <batchFlags>DisallowExistingUsers, UseAdvancedValidation</batchFlags>
                                 <MigrationCountCache />
                               <fullScanTime>2/19/2015 7:44:03 PM</fullScanTime>
                               <timeZone>Time zone: Id=tzone://Microsoft/Utc; DisplayName=UTC</timeZone>
                                   <LastModifiedTime>2/19/2015 7:39:42 PM</LastModifiedTime>
                                     <MigrationCountCache />
                                   <created>2/19/2015 7:39:42 PM</created>
                                 <SubscriptionSettings />
                               <created>2/19/2015 7:44:03 PM</created>
                               <BatchLastUpdated>2/19/2015 7:44:03 PM</BatchLastUpdated>
                               <OriginalJobId />
SupportedActions           : Start, Set, Remove
SourceEndpoint             : mail
TargetEndpoint             :
SourcePublicFolderDatabase :
TargetDatabases            : {DB01, DB02, DB03, DB04, DB05}
TargetArchiveDatabases     : {ARCDB01, ARCDB02, ARCDB03, ARCDB04, ARCDB05}
BadItemLimit               : 10
LargeItemLimit             : 0
PrimaryOnly                : False
ArchiveOnly                : False
TargetDeliveryDomain       :
SkipSteps                  : None
Report                     :
StartAfter                 :
StartAfterUTC              :
CompleteAfter              :
CompleteAfterUTC           :
IsValid                    : True
ObjectState                : Unchanged

I found this forum with a similar error but trying different users or browsers did not fix my issue.

I've also tested the endpoints. 

[PS] D:\TEMP>Test-MigrationServerAvailability -ExchangeRemoteMove -Autodiscover -EmailAddress -Cr
edentials $Credentials

RunspaceId         : d8eea5cc-9eca-438e-8007-599978fd84a4
Result             : Success
Message            :
ConnectionSettings : <ExchangeConnectionSettings HasAdminPrivilege="True" HasAutodiscovery="False" HasMrsProxy="True"
                     AutodiscoverUrl="" IncomingEmailAddress="" IncomingRPCProxyServer=""
                     IncomingExchangeServer="" IncomingNSPIServer="" IncomingDomain="domain"
                     IncomingAuthentication="Basic" ServerVersion="" TargetDomainName="" SourceMailboxLegDn=""
                     PublicFolderDatabaseServerLegacyDN="" />
SupportsCutover    : False
ErrorDetail        :
IsValid            : True
Identity           :
ObjectState        : New

I've have done cross forest mailbox move sucessfully prior to installing CU7. I've found this site to also help troubleshoot 

I followed step 10 but can't get the following powershell commands to work since it never gets to the migration.

Get-MigrationStatistics | fl
Get-Migrationuser identity <userfailingmigration> | fl
Get-MigrationUserStatistics -id <userfailingmigration> | fl
Get-MigrationUserStatistics -id <userfailingmigration> -diagnostic | fl
Get-MigrationUserStatistics -id <userfailingmigration> -includereport | fl 

I'm sure I'll have to open a microsoft case to get this resolved.

  • Edited by adgirard Thursday, February 19, 2015 9:17 PM
February 19th, 2015 11:59pm


According to your description, I understand that cannot migrate mailbox database cross-forest and return an error An unknown error occurred while processing this migration batch
If I misunderstand your concern, please do not hesitate to let me know.

I want to double confirm whether all account or some special user's mailbox migration experience this question.

Unfortunately, I cant find any similar article about failure code -2146233088. However, I want to double confirm whether they can review or check user availability for each forest.
If no, please try to double check the trust relationship. Meanwhile, try to re-build the trust and try again.

Additional, please try to increase the diagnostic logging levels to get more details about this issue. More details about Troubleshooting Mailbox Moves, for your reference:

Best Regards,
Allen Wang

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February 23rd, 2015 10:59am

I have noticed that on the mailbox server that a service is crashing during the move. 

The Microsoft Exchange Service Host service terminated unexpectedly.  It has done this 1 time(s).  The following corrective action will be taken in 5000 milliseconds: Restart the service.

I would say this maybe a root cause of it failing, now to figure out why it crashes.

February 23rd, 2015 11:42am

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