Cross forest Move-Mailbox Error
I am trying to move a mailbox between two forests. I want to merge the content from the source forest mailbox into an existing mailbox in the target forest. I have written a script but I am getting an error indicating that the source mailbox object can not
be used by the move-mailbox command. The script and the error are appended. Does anyone have an idea on what I am doing wrong. The procedure is docuemented both at and
# Get the credentials that are required for a mailbox move.
$sourceForestCredential = Get-Credential
$targetForestCredential = Get-Credential
#Get the source and target domain Controllers for LDAP and GC operations
$sourceDomainController = ""
$targetDomainController = ""
#Get the source and target mailbox names
$sourceMailboxName = "bill-test"
$targetMailboxName = "bill-test"
#Get the source mailbox
$sourceMailbox = get-mailbox -identity $sourceMailboxName -DomainController $sourceDomainController -Credential $sourceForestCredential
#Get the targetmailbox and its parameters.
$targetMailbox = get-mailbox -identity $targetMailboxName -DomainController $targetDomainController -Credential $targetForestCredential
$targetMailboxDatabase = $targetMailbox.Database
$targetMailboxIdentity = $targetMailbox.Identity
$sourceMailbox | move-mailbo
Move-Mailbox : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either
because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not m
atch any of the parameters that take pipeline input.
At C:\Users\me\Documents\crossForestMove.ps1:26 char:30
+ $sourceMailbox | move-mailbox <<<< -TargetDatabase $targetMailboxDatabase -Identity $t
argetMailboxIdentity -SourceForestGlobalCatalog $sourceDomainController -GlobalCatalog $t
argetDomainController -DomainController $targetDomainController -AllowMerge -RetryInterva
l 5 -RetryTimeout 90 -SourceForestCredential $sourceForestCredential -TargetForestCredent
ial $targetForestCredential
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (William T. Holmes:PSObject) [Move-Mailbo
x], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InputObjectNotBound,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Recipien
May 25th, 2011 11:12pm
hello Bill,
Well, I am not too much perfect to judge your script, however here's my article which might help you to do the required withour script only with help of power shell command lines.
Thanks !
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May 26th, 2011 2:41am
Hi Bill,
Move-Mailbox : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input
or the input and its properties do not match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.
From this distribution, we know this may issue that
Move-Mailbox cannot get any parameters from the pipeline or the input doesn’t match the properties in command
The Parameters for targetmailbox ($targetMailbox, targetMailboxDatabase, $targetMailboxIdentity)should not be used before you move the mailbox to the target server,
because before you move mailbox to the target server, this command
for targetmailbox will return null.
Evan Liu
TechNet Subscriber Support
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May 26th, 2011 9:34am
The target mailbox does exist. I want to merge the source and target mailboxes across the Forests.
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May 26th, 2011 2:18pm
Hi Bill,
Please refer to the command in this document
Exchange 2007 Cross Org Mailbox Migration.
get-mailbox -DomainController '' -Credential $s -database 'Server1\DatabaseA' | move-mailbox -TargetDatabase 'Server2\Database1'
-Identity 'testMailbox1' -SourceForestGlobalCatalog '' -GlobalCatalog '' -DomainController '' -AllowMerge -StartDate '01/10/06' -EndDate '01/11/06' -SubjectKeywords "Exchange" -RetryInterval 5 -RetryTimeout
90 -SourceForestCredential $s -TargetForestCredential $t
I will try to test your script in my lab, and paste the result.
Evan Liu
TechNet Subscriber Support
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May 27th, 2011 3:17pm
Hi Bill,
Sorry for late update. I test your script in my lab ( Exchange 2007 SP3 and Exchange 2007 SP2) and find the problem:
When you move the mailbox, you can use this command to achieve the goal (I had tested in my lab):
move-mailbox -TargetDatabase $targetMailboxDatabase -Identity $sourceMailbox.identity -SourceForestGlobalCatalog $sourceDomainController -GlobalCatalog $targetDomainController
-DomainController $targetDomainController -AllowMerge -RetryInterval 5 -RetryTimeout 90 -SourceForestCredential $sourceForestCredential -TargetForestCredential $targetForestCredential
Note: Please remember to follow that document to check on your source server and target server (before move the mailboxes).
If anything is unclear, please feel free to let me know.
Evan Liu
TechNet Subscriber Support
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June 1st, 2011 11:22am