I am grateful somebody has taken time to respond! Thank you!
However, by selecting 'Identifying' I change the entity from being a typical "weak entity" to a "ID Dependent weak entity" (Identifying Relationship) , which means a few things.
1.) The relation line will change from a dotted line to a solid line. (Which means a weak ID Dependent relationship, dotted line means Non-ID Dependent weak/strong)
2.) The identifier/primary key of the parent entity will be added to the child entity and form a composite identifier/ primary key in the child entity.
Both are undesired and cause the ERD to be inaccurate.
I don't want to make the entity ID dependent. (Which means the entity depends upon another entity to exist. i.e. InvoiceLineItem entity would be dependent upon the Invoice entity) I want to alter the minimum cardinality or make the parent part of the relation
mandatory. In Visio I can only alter one side of the relationship.
The parent side is always -|O which means a maximum cardinality of 1 and a minimum cardinality of 0 (or optional). I want to change it to -|| so the parent side has maximum cardinality of 1 and a minimum cardinality of 1 (or mandatory).
This also means I can't represent a N:M (many to many) relationship in the ERD. (I know you would never have a N:M in a data model, instead you would use two 1:Ns that create an intersection table or association entity)
The DBAs I have talked to told me its a flaw with Visio (unsolvable); and told me I probably can't get a refund. $560 Loss :(