We began getting emails returned as not sendable. The message indicated I should check Spamhaus. I did this and at first it looked like my IP was not listed. I contacted Outlook support and followed their suggestion to add a phone number. Everything was okay for two days. The email began to be returned again. I checked Spamhaus. My IP was listed this time. I was directed to a link that indicated that Outlook has a trojan called CryptPHP. the message indicated the only way to take care of this is to get rid of Outlook and re set it from scratch. Because I am not sure how to do this properly I will be taking the computer to someone who may understand this. I need to know what this trojan is doing. Does it damage only Outlook or can it get to other files? Have I sent it to others when I have sent out email.
Apparently it came in on a pirated (I did not know this) Wordpress that we used once about one year ago. It did not do anything for that year. Then recently I received three spam letters. I 'junked' each one. But I opened one to see what
it was because the heading seemed like it could be legitimate. I think opening it stimulated the trojan. Because immediately after, the emails I sent out started coming back. Do I need to alert everyone I have sent a email to over the last year
that they might have a sleeping trojan called CryptPHP? Is there any way to check before it awakens? Any advice is welcome.
Thanks, JustBev