Customising System Messages
Hello everyone,
I have a couple of questions that remain unanswered after a fruitless day searching on Technet and the Internet. I hope someone can help!
1) I have used the new-systemmessage cmdlet to customise the -warningmailbox, -prohibitsendmailbox and -prohibitsendreceivemailbox. However, I seem to only be able to provide ascii text as the message.
Is there a way of adding wildcards like %user% or %currentmailboxsize% etc?
2) How does one add carriage returns or other formattingto the systemmessages?
3) When a user sends an attachment that is over the maximum permitted send size (i.e. 10mb) that email sits in the Outbox and then an Outlook Send/Receive error occurs.
My pilot users are finding this annoying and have asked ifthere is anyway of reverting back to the older way of doing things whereby an email is received in that user's mailbox stating the reason for the 'bounce'.
4) Is there anyway of customising that 'you cannot send' message rather than giving the user a confusing C000x3000 type message in the system tray?
Many thanks in advance, Melanzana
February 1st, 2007 1:25pm
Questions #1 and #2 - You can use HTML tags to format the quota message text. See for more information. While the topic discusses DSN message text, the same formatting will work for quota messages. I'll see if I can get the topic updated so that it relates to both DSN and quota messages. The following is an example of how ot use HTML tags in quota messages:
New-SystemMessage -Language En -QuotaMessageType WarningMailbox -Text 'This is an example message.<br>See <a href="">Policy #123</a> for more information.'
You can't add variables such as %user%, etc, to the quota message text.
Question #3 - what error are you receiving? Are your users connecting to Exchange using MAPI or POP3?
Question #4 - I don't understand the question. Can you provide more details?
February 20th, 2007 9:58am
Thanks for the reply!
Question 3 - The users are connecting via MAPI. The error is listed in Question 4. If a user sends a message that is not allowed (i.e. over 20mb in size), the message just sits in the Outbox and an exclamation mark appears in the Outlook system tray/bottom right hand corner. Only when clicking on the alert does the user see a 'message could not be sent error Cx00000' type message.
Is there no 'plain english' error possibility whereby the system could reply with 'message that you are sending is too large' etc., rather than a cryptic error?
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February 20th, 2007 3:17pm
I personally haven't seen this behaviour before. I'm checking internally to see under what circumstances (if any) this could be expected behaviour. Once I get a response I'll get back to you.
In the meantime, can you double-check your event logs on both the servers and your clients to make sure there are no events popping up related to this issue?
Also, what version of Outlook are you using? Are you using cached mode?
February 21st, 2007 2:22am
hi there.
I asked around and also tried to duplicate the error you are receiving when a user sends an email. I believe I might have mis-understood your original message. Are you saying that the users are receiving the error when they've exceeded the size of their mailbox? So, for example, their sendmailbox size limit is 10MB but the total size of the mailbox is 11MB? If so, when a user sends a message and they've exceeded the send mailbox size limit, this is similar to the expected behavior for Outlook 2007 and possibly earlier clients (I didn't check to see when we implemented this).
In Outlook 2007, when a mailbox has exceeded the prohibit send mailbox size limit, Outlook will not submit the message to the server but will return an error stating the mailbox has exceeded a mailbox size limit. Because I don't know your Outlook version or specific configuration, I can't say why you're getting the error you mentioned. The message I receive in Outlook 2007 is: The messge store has reached its maximum size. To reduce the amount of data in this message store, select some items that you no longer need and permanently delete them.
So, except for the error message you are receving, and if my assumption is correct that you are refering to a prohibit send mailbox size limit, then this behavior is by design. These messages would also be hard-coded into the products.
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February 23rd, 2007 1:47am
Hi David.
Thanks for your reply. The version of Outlook is indeed Outlook 2007. The error is experienced when the mail being sent is too large rather than the mailbox itself being over quota.
So, to be clear: We set a limit of 10MB on the hub transports. User tries to send a 11mb message and then this error occurs. However the error does not say that 'the message you are sending is too large', rather the user just gets the message sitting in the outbox and a cryptic 000xc0000 type error.
All I need to know is if that is by design or if we can change the message to something more user-friendly like:
"The message you're trying to send is %X , the email system only accepts messages that are under %Y in size"
February 27th, 2007 7:28pm