DAG Network identity grow up Exchange 2013

Hi, I have Exchange 2013 CU7

suddenly we have so many DAG Network identity. sample like this

\ReplicationDagNetwork10044 True                                    {}                                    
\ReplicationDagNetwork10045 True                                    {}                                    
\ReplicationDagNetwork10046 True                                    {}                                    
\ReplicationDagNetwork10047 True                                    {}                                    
\ReplicationDagNetwork10048 True                                    {}                                    

iam suspicious this is because of DHCP NIC, I add additional NIC coule days ago.

I already disable this NIC

when I run get-databaseavailabilitygroupnetwork , it takes a long time.

I run batch script to delete all weird DAg network but it takes a long time too.

can I Remove DAGNetwork Properties from ADSI Edit (Active Directory) ?

or is there any other method to delete all DAG Network?


May 28th, 2015 3:49am

Hi Ichwan Lubis

we are faces this issue before, so when you delete the dagnetwork by run the below command 

Use Remove-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork 

it's rediscovered again and added automatically,

you must to disabled the network on the cluster level, will be removed from the dag network.

so to solve this issue you must to go to failover cluster manager console and disabled it for the cluster use.



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May 28th, 2015 9:12am


thanks for your info. I use Exchange 2013 with new prestaging DAG.

so Failover Cluster manager console cannot be open, is there any way to disable via shell or command?


May 28th, 2015 9:31am

1st trying to start the cluster services from Services.msc

run the blow command 

test-replicationhealth on dag members and feed me back with result.

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May 28th, 2015 9:46am

Test-replication health always running.

I already run this command before, the command is never finished


May 28th, 2015 10:17am

okay you have an problem in your DAG 

try to check the DAG status and configuration .................. after that we will continue in the network issue :D :D

you can share the DAG issue here :)

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May 28th, 2015 11:22am

Hi, this is my result shell.

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -Status | fl

RunspaceId                             : d531353d-1178-4c29-870f-49c108bc659b
Name                                   : MAILDAG
Servers                                : {MAIL07, MAIL06, MAIL04}
WitnessServer                          : mail03.contoso.com
WitnessDirectory                       : C:\DAGFileShareWitnesses\MAILDAG.contoso.com
AlternateWitnessServer                 :
AlternateWitnessDirectory              :
NetworkCompression                     : InterSubnetOnly
NetworkEncryption                      : InterSubnetOnly
ManualDagNetworkConfiguration          : True
DatacenterActivationMode               : Off
StoppedMailboxServers                  : {}
StartedMailboxServers                  : {}
DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIpv4Addresses : {}
DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIpAddresses   : {}
AllowCrossSiteRpcClientAccess          : False
OperationalServers                     : {MAIL04, MAIL06, MAIL07}
PrimaryActiveManager                   : MAIL04
ServersInMaintenance                   : {}
ServersInDeferredRecovery              : {}
ThirdPartyReplication                  : Disabled
ReplicationPort                        : 64327
NetworkNames                           : {MapiDagNetwork, ReplicationDagNetwork, ReplicationDagNetwork01, ReplicationDa
                                         gNetwork02, ReplicationDagNetwork03, ReplicationDagNetwork04, ReplicationDagNe
                                         twork05, ReplicationDagNetwork06, ReplicationDagNetwork07, ReplicationDagNetwo
                                         rk08, ReplicationDagNetwork09, ReplicationDagNetwork10, ReplicationDagNetwork1
                                         00, ReplicationDagNetwork1000, ReplicationDagNetwork10000, ReplicationDagNetwo
WitnessShareInUse                      : None
DatabaseAvailabilityGroupConfiguration :
AutoDagSchemaVersion                   : 1.0
AutoDagDatabaseCopiesPerDatabase       : 1
AutoDagDatabaseCopiesPerVolume         : 1
AutoDagTotalNumberOfDatabases          : 0
AutoDagTotalNumberOfServers            : 0
AutoDagDatabasesRootFolderPath         : C:\ExchangeDatabases
AutoDagVolumesRootFolderPath           : C:\ExchangeVolumes
AutoDagAllServersInstalled             : False
AutoDagAutoReseedEnabled               : True
AutoDagDiskReclaimerEnabled            : True
AutoDagBitlockerEnabled                : False
AutoDagFIPSCompliant                   : False
ReplayLagManagerEnabled                : False
MailboxLoadBalanceMaximumEdbFileSize   :
MailboxLoadBalanceRelativeLoadCapacity :
MailboxLoadBalanceOverloadedThresld  :
MailboxLoadBalanceUnderloadedThresld :
MailboxLoadBalanceEnabled              : False
AdminDisplayName                       :
ExchangeVersion                        : 0.10 (
DistinguishedName                      : xxxxx xxxx xxx
Identity                               : MAILDAG
Guid                                   : 8a399865-4233-49a5-bbe1-f653036ea94e
ObjectCategory                         : xxxx xxxxxx  x x xxxx xxx
ObjectClass                            : {top, msExchMDBAvailabilityGroup}
WhenChanged                            : 04/03/2015 17:22:12
WhenCreated                            : 04/03/2015 17:07:57
WhenChangedUTC                         : 04/03/2015 10:22:12
WhenCreatedUTC                         : 04/03/2015 10:07:57
OrganizationId                         :
Id                                     : MAILDAG
OriginatingServer                      : DC05.contoso.com
IsValid                                : True
ObjectState                            : Unchanged

May 29th, 2015 3:02am


According to your description, I understand that the DAG replication network is grow up abnormal.
If I misunderstand your concern, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Basis on Microsoft document, DHCP is support for Exchange 2013 DAG, for your reference:
Its very strange, please restart Cluster service and run below command to get details about replication network:
Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork | FL Identity,Subnets,Interfaces

If DAG network shows misconfigured, please refer to below blog to troubleshooting:
Besides, please use Remove-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork <Identity> to remove unused network.


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June 1st, 2015 9:35am

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