Database Size Limit in GB
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeIS\[ServerName]\Private-[ObjectGUID]Create a REG_DWORD key called Database Size Limit in GB and set the value to 75. This will enable the database to go over the 16GB limit up to 75GB. You can select any value between 1 and 75 for a custom database limit if you only have 36GB of disk space, no use setting the limit to 75GB.
Anyone know if the value is it hex or dec? i tried selecting dec and enter 75 , but still the db limit is set to 18gb anyone know the reason to this. Because by default when you double click on the Database Size Limit in GB, the vaule is set to 0 and it hex is selected by default. Do i just enter 75 under hex and save it.? anyone know , because MS site say all value are in dec. so i would assume its in dec.
I have read all and couldn't get it to go over 18gb, i'm running exhcnage 2003 standard edition with sp2.
November 26th, 2006 6:30am
The values you enter should be in decimal. There's a note on the page you cited that says "All of registry values mentioned in this article are in decimal, not hexadecimal."
Hope this helps.
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November 27th, 2006 7:19pm
well, i did indeed put it in decimal. But why is it not showing up 75gb limit? right now it complain about the DB is exceed its limit. How come the registry is not working, can someone work me thru again. Is there something i'm missing?
I'm running exchange 2003 standard edition, with sp2
and windows 2003 standard edition.
Is there a way to check if the exchange db limit is at 75? i don't want this to happen again, what i did was i defrag it for the time being. but i realy wan tto get this registry working.
November 28th, 2006 6:38am
Try again on re-installing your Ms Exchange 2003 service pack 2 again and make sure that you have enough hardisk space enough for your priv.edb
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December 8th, 2006 8:53am
got it working. all my configuration are right,
i just need to umount and remount it and resintall the services.
December 9th, 2006 6:58am
This setting and I do NOT get along very well. I've enabled this setting and can't seem to get the correct event ID to show up reconizing the change. I've rebooted, dismounted/remounted and still nothing.
Any ideas?
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June 4th, 2007 10:10pm
Worked fine for me today, after I removed the trailing space that a badly executed copy/paste operation had included.. I even verified that it is NOT case sensitive.. You still having troubles?
June 11th, 2007 11:09pm
I am working on this same problem now. My 'regedit' has two "Private-" folders with the hex number in them.
1. How do I tell which to modify.
2. Do I add the additional DWORD? (for size setting)
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August 10th, 2007 5:54pm
Worked fine for me today, after I removed the trailing space that a badly executed copy/paste operation had included.. I even verified that it is NOT case sensitive.. You still having troubles?
This was my problem. I realized that the key was named "Database Size Limit in GB ". The key had been created by the person in my job before me and I never thought to check if it had been typed in correctly. Because Exchange thought the key didn't exist it kept defaulting to 18GB. When our database grew to 25GB this week it started periodically dismounting the store. Creating a new key without the trailing space in the name fixed the problem.
November 10th, 2009 10:03pm