Hello Anoop,
Please find the below steps
Use powershell to force the Exchange 2010 to use a preferred local domain controller: "Set-ADServerSettings PreferredServer "mydomaincontrollername.domainname.local"
Mount the database by using the following powershell command: "Mount-Database -Identity "Mailbox DB" -DomainController mydomaincontrollername.domainname.local"
Also would request you to please check the Event logs and work accordingly.
Praveen Kumar
Hi Anoop,
Thank you for your question.
We could follow Praveens advice.
If the issue persist, we could refer to the following steps to make sure the Exchange Administrative group is not missing write permission for the msExchDatabaseCreated object:
1.Log on to the Exchange server with an account that has administrative credentials.
2.Open the Exchange Management Shell.
3.Type CD<space> \ and press ENTER.
4.Run the following command:
Add-ADPermission -id CN=<FourthCoffee>,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=<fourthcoffee>,DC=com -User Exchange Servers -AccessRights WriteProperty -Properties ms-Exch-Database-Created
If the issue persist, we could re-running the prepared AD to restored whatever it was that was broken. Or post more details about application log to ibsexc@microsoft.com for our troubleshooting.
If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know.
Best Regard,
As per the information and details provided by you, to mount the database in Exchange 2010, please follow these steps: -
- Click on Start (or press WIN+X) > All Programs > Microsoft Exchange Server > Exchange Management Console.
- Open the branch Microsoft Exchange On-Premise (computer name) > Organization configuration > Mailbox.
- In the center panel, click on the tab Database Management.
- Look at the line labeled Mailbox Database nnnnnn, where nnnnnn is a long number. If the rightmost column displays Dismounted you need to mount the mailbox database. (If the rightmost column displays Mounted, skip to step 7).
- Right- click on Mailbox Database nnnnnn and select Mount Database. This will mount the private mailbox database.
- To verify that the database has been mounted, click on Recipient Configuration > Mailbox. This should display the user mailbox names.
(If you elected to not install the Outlook 2003 public folders, you are done. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.)
7. Look at the line labeled Public Folder Database nnnnnn. If the rightmost column displays Dismounted you need to mount the public folder database.
8. Right click on Public Folder Database nnnnnn and select Mount Database. This will mount the public folder database.
Use the Shell to mount a Database
You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the Database permissions.
This example uses the Mount-Database command to mount the database MyDatabase.
Mount-Database "MyDatabase"
I hope this information will be helpful for you.
Thanks and regards