Daylight savings and time services
Hello everyone.
Im in Australia and its that time of the year again for us, another change to daylight savings so another Microsoft patch to our servers.
The date has upadted on our domain controllers to the correct as well as all W2K workstations but I am having issues with part of our XP fleet. Some have updated wiht the correct time and some have not.
when doing a net time from any of these XP workstations with issues I get:
current time at \\dc_server_name\ is 10/6/2008 4:17 PM
local time (GMT+10:00) at \\dc_server_name\ is 10/6/2008 3:17 PM
when a nettime /set is run the XP workstation tried to sync with the current time rather than local time.
This is where things get strange:
domain controllers as well as XP machines with incorrect time and the above messages are on the same timezone and both have the 'auto adjust clock for daylight savings' box ticked. This time is incorrect.
On the XP machiens notrunning the right timeif I untick the 'auto adjust clock for daylight savings' box the time is correct and when running.
If I untick the 'auto adjust clock for daylight savings' and run a net time
current time at \\dc_server_name\ is 10/6/2008 3:17 PM (which is the correct time)
Its like the 'auto adjust clock for daylight savings'is out of sync between the dc's and workstations.
any thoughts/comments/ideas?
October 6th, 2008 7:29am
Please post this in Windows forums. Exchange forums will not be able to accurately address your conrens.
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October 6th, 2008 7:53pm