Daylight savings time with Outlook?
We have two offices that are experiencing an issue when we do a "Meeting Request", It is always an hour off. If my office or their office does a meeting request with another company/location, it's fine. It just happens when they try to
request a meeting with us or vise versa.
I am not convinced that it is related to the DST since it works with other locations.
Has anyone exerienced this before?
March 21st, 2011 1:25pm
What version of Outlook and Exchange?
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March 21st, 2011 3:50pm
Sorry about that. Both offices are running Exchange server 2003 and Outlook 2003. Both offices have the latest patches, updates, etc. It actually seems to be only one way after more testing. If my location request a meeting to their
location, it's okay. When the other location send to our location, it's one hour ahead. Do you think it might be on their end?
March 22nd, 2011 7:12am
Also, just checked my Exchange and it doesn't have the service packs on it. Will that cause it not to work with one location?
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March 22nd, 2011 1:54pm
Hi Peggy,
It is a best practice to install the latest Service Pack for Exchange and Outlook.
If their location request a meeting to other locations, it is still OK?
Please try to request a meeting using OWA.
Frank Wang
TechNet Subscriber Support
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March 23rd, 2011 3:39am
These links might also be of some help.
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March 23rd, 2011 10:59am
Hi Frank -
I will apply the latest service packs for Exchange and Outlook
Yes, when they request a meeting in a different location, it is fine and when we request a meeting in a different location it is fine too. That is what is soo strange. That is why I don't think any DST tools would do anything since the time is
correct in both locations.
We did the request using OWA and received the same.
We recently merged with this office and just for the interim I added them to my exchange server as contacts. I did this so we could share the same domain name. I created them as contacts, forward their email to their legacy email accounts and
set the "primary" reply domain as the domain that we both share. Could that be effecting it? I know it's a long shot but I don't understand how it can work with everybody else except for that one location.
March 23rd, 2011 10:46pm