Default Email Template
We would like to add a custom text box to our company email so that it wouild be displayed in all new and replying email. We have attempted to create a form but cannot get it to replace the standard email template. We are all on Outlook
2010 and are using 2010 Exchange Server. Any help in this area would be appreciated.
We are not attempting to insert a disclaimer or a signature block. We would like to add a field under the subject heading that allows our employees the ability to enter a project number.
October 5th, 2010 3:53pm
I would ask this in the Dev forum or OUtlook IT Pro:
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October 5th, 2010 4:26pm
Pure Cleanse I use Microsoft Outlook 2007 and I made my own template saved under the Templates folder in the Microsoft folder.
October 6th, 2010 6:52am