Delegate access to mail with follow-up flags
Using Exchange 2007 SP3 UR6 and Outlook 2007 SP2: Can a user who is assigned as a delegate for mailboxA view all mails that are set with a follow-up flag in either a filtered view or another folder from their(the delegate) mailbox? The delegate already has access to the calendar, tasks, and inbox for mailboxA and can ideally sort the inbox for mailboxA by follow-up flag. Is there a way to create that view in a separate folder for the delegate? Thank you. Let me know if you have any follow-up questions.
June 14th, 2012 11:01am

Are you saying the delegate cant see that view or organise it? What if you add the mailbox as an additional mailbox (give the delegate full mailbox permission to the mbx)? Sukh
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June 14th, 2012 5:37pm

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