Different Contact, same proxy address
I know I can not set the same proxy address on multiple user objects, in this case, contacts.
Our baseball club wants to use Distribution Lists to be able to send an e-mail to team members. There are a few fathers that play, while their kid plays in another team. The e-mail address of the father is used as the e-mail address of the kid. resulting
in a different contact with the same e-mail address.
I would say this should be possible. It currently is working on a Linux server.
Best regards.
April 19th, 2011 4:00pm
Not sure I understand what you want to do here.lasse at humandata dot se, http://anewmessagehasarrived.blogspot.com
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April 19th, 2011 4:15pm
So, basically you want two contacts with the same target email address, but with different display info?
If that's the case then I think you can do this by creating two contacts that have the same targetAddress attribute value, but with different proxyAddresses values. The targetAddress attribute value is the one used by Exchange for routing purposes.
It would look something like this:
Contact 1
DisplayName = Joe Wilson
proxyAddresses = SMTP:joe.wilson@MyExchangeSMTPDomain.com
targetAddress = SMTP:FamilyWilson@gmail.com
Contact 2
DisplayName = Bob Wilson
proxyAddresses = SMTP:bob.wilson@MyExchangeSMTPDomain.com
targetAddress = SMTP:FamilyWilson@gmail.com
April 19th, 2011 5:28pm
For my understanding, do you want use one email address to send to multiple mailbox?
What you need to do is only to create a Query-based Distribute group for those mailbox. And then you can set SMTP address for this group.
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April 20th, 2011 11:21pm