You should try these steps to disable automatic replies in MS Outlook.
Go to Mail >> Options >> Organize E-Mail >> Automatic Replies >> Select Dont send automatic replies option.
Best Regards
Clark Kent
Hi Jeff,
Based on your description, did you get the yellow bar as shown in the following figure?
As far as I know, there is no way to hide it, this bar is used to remind you have turned on this option. The X should turn it off for the current session. Switching data files will turn it back on.
I suggest you open a second window to work with another account as a workaround.
Hope it's helpful.
Emi Zhang
TechNet Community Su
This option is not available, You cannot change this through registry.
Hi Jeff,
If you think my reply is helpful, I suggest you mark it as answer. Other partners who read the forums with the same issue can get more information from the correct result.
Thank you.
Emi Zhang
TechNet Community Su