Disable Recipient Resolution (2K7)
Is it possible to disable Recipient Resolution for a specific mailbox? If so, what are the required steps?
Background: I have a mailbox with numerous SMTP addresses. When a message is sent to a non-'Reply' address, the message's To: field is changed to the 'Reply' address. For example, john.doe@company.com is the mailbox's Reply address. jane.doe@company.com
has been added as a SMTP address for the mailbox. When a message is sent to jane.doe@company.com, its To: field is changed to john.doe@company.com.
June 23rd, 2011 4:29pm
This would be the Primary SMTP address for this mailbox. This is part of the message, and you cant remove this.
You can change the reply to address to something else if you want, for e.g you can make the
jane.doe@company.com the primary.Sukh
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June 23rd, 2011 4:34pm
Are you referring to the Display Name for the recipient in the Received message?
If you can describe what exactly you are seeing and what you trying to "fix", maybe we can come up with a solution.
For what its worth, when I enter a secondary SMTP address within Outlook in Exchange/Outlook 2010, it does not change to the default SMTP address of the recipient.
I dont recall the 2007 behavior.
June 23rd, 2011 9:02pm
I have tested in 2007 when you input a non-reply smtp address it will change to display other than any SMTP address.
Please make sure the question is described properly.
Waiting for your feedback.
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June 24th, 2011 1:22am
I guess I will rephrase the question. How can I set up an Exchange 2007 mailbox with multiple SMTP addresses so that the To: field in the messages delivered to it will always match the SMTP address and /not/ be overwritten with the mailbox's reply
address? For example, consider a mailbox that has the 5 following SMTP addresses:
samaccountname@company.com (Reply) samaccountname@company.local help@company.com it@company.com infrastructure@company.com
Expected/Desired Behavior: When someone sends a message to help@company.com, the message's To: field should be "help@company.com".
Actual Behavior: When someone sends a message to help@company.com, the message's To: field is changed to "samaccountname@company.com".
Expected/Desired Behavior: When someone sends a message to it@company.com, the message's To: field should be "it@company.com".
Actual Behavior: When someone sends a message to it@company.com, the message's To: field is changed to "samaccountname@company.com".
Expected/Desired Behavior: When someone sends a message to infrastructure@company.com, the message's To: field should be "infrastructure@company.com".
Actual Behavior: When someone sends a message to infrastructure@company.com, the message's To: field is changed to "samaccountname@company.com".
I hope this makes more sense now...
June 24th, 2011 11:12am
It should show the Display Name of the Mailbox on the TO: field when viewed in the recipients mailbox.
Regardless, Exchange mapi/OWA clients will always default to the default reply address. You could create an Outlook rule that checks the internet header of the message and move message to other folders or flag them based on the actual SMTP address the
message was sent to however.
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June 24th, 2011 11:18am
Here are the full (obfuscated) headers of a test message as seen by a POP3 client:
Received: from spamfilter.company.com ( by
exchange.company.local ( with Microsoft SMTP Server id; Thu, 23 Jun 2011 15:50:35 -0400
Received: from mail-iw0-f171.google.com (mail-iw0-f171.google.com
[]) by spamfilter.company.com with ESMTP id
edw1zOuIpfYpA4TG for <help@company.com>; Thu, 23 Jun 2011 15:50:35
-0400 (EDT)
Received: by iwn34 with SMTP id 34so2873150iwn.16 for
<help@company.com>; Thu, 23 Jun 2011 12:50:35 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with SMTP id a4mr1418167ibq.72.1308858524486;
Thu, 23 Jun 2011 12:48:44 -0700 (PDT)
Received: from workstation.company.local
(ipnnn-nnn-nnn-nnn.znnn-nn-nn.customer.xxxx.net [nn.nn.nnn.nnn]) by
mx.google.com with ESMTPS id gb8sm1053310ibb.26.2011.
(version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=OTHER); Thu, 23 Jun 2011 12:48:43
-0700 (PDT)
From: Fred Flintstone <fred.flintstone@bedrock.net>
To: samaccountname <samaccountname@company.com>
June 24th, 2011 11:51am
I can't see of a way you can do think natively, each time a message is replied to it will use the Primary address (samaccountname@company.com)Sukh
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June 24th, 2011 12:01pm
So what are you trying to accomplish by knowing which SMTP address that messages was actually address to?
June 24th, 2011 12:53pm
We have an application server that polls mailboxes and creates help desk tickets from inbound e-mail. Instead of creating a separate mailbox for each e-mail address (we're talking about more than a hundred), we are trying to use a single-mailbox-with-multiple-SMTP-addresses
design. Ideally, the application's e-mail engine would map the inbound message's To: address to a specific customer and fire off workflow accordingly. This would ultimately put less load on the e-mail engine, as well as our Exchange server, since
the mailbox polling needs to occur ever 60-120 seconds to meet SLA requirements.
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June 24th, 2011 1:10pm
We have an application server that polls mailboxes and creates help desk tickets from inbound e-mail. Instead of creating a separate mailbox for each e-mail address (we're talking about more than a hundred), we are trying to use a single-mailbox-with-multiple-SMTP-addresses
design. Ideally, the application's e-mail engine would map the inbound message's To: address to a specific customer and fire off workflow accordingly. This would ultimately put less load on the e-mail engine, as well as our Exchange server, since
the mailbox polling needs to occur ever 60-120 seconds to meet SLA requirements.
Ok, then that application is going to have to be able to parse the internet header of the message, grabt the TO; from there and then fire off the appropriate workflow.
June 24th, 2011 1:29pm
There is no way to disable the resolver, the categorizer will resolve to the primary SMTP. Over 100 email addresses to classify each ticket type seems alot to me, I would design it a much fewer 5-10 with basic, trouble ticket, access request, etc for email
submissions. If you bundle all those emails into one mailbox how is the user expected to know the specific email address since only one object will be displayed in the GAL, yes they can look at the email addresses tab but still. For end users I would keep
it smaller categories for email submissions to go into a generic queues and then have help desk place them into specific queues if need be from the app itself.
Another option you can do is for the 100 email addresses create mail enabled contacts so they at least show in the GAL so users don't have to remember the email or queue name. (Use ldifde to bulk create the contacts)
Ticket queue 1 - app1
Ticket queue 2 - app3
Then create a transport rule to redirect any emails going to these contacts to one mailbox. Since they were forwarded, the to: header will be preserved with original contact email address so the app will be able to parse it.
James Chong MCITP | EA | EMA; MCSE | M+, S+ Security+, Project+, ITIL msexchangetips.blogspot.com
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June 24th, 2011 2:57pm
There is no way to disable the resolver, the categorizer will resolve to the primary SMTP. Over 100 email addresses to classify each ticket type seems alot to me, I would design it a much fewer 5-10 with basic, trouble ticket, access request, etc for email
submissions. If you bundle all those emails into one mailbox how is the user expected to know the specific email address since only one object will be displayed in the GAL, yes they can look at the email addresses tab but still. For end users I would keep
it smaller categories for email submissions to go into a generic queues and then have help desk place them into specific queues if need be from the app itself.
Another option you can do is for the 100 email addresses create mail enabled contacts so they at least show in the GAL so users don't have to remember the email or queue name. (Use ldifde to bulk create the contacts)
Ticket queue 1 - app1
Ticket queue 2 - app3
Then create a transport rule to redirect any emails going to these contacts to one mailbox. Since they were forwarded, the to: header will be preserved with original contact email address so the app will be able to parse it.
James Chong MCITP | EA | EMA; MCSE | M+, S+ Security+, Project+, ITIL msexchangetips.blogspot.com
I suspect that other processes outside of Exchange are actually sending messages to these SMTP addresses rather than users looking in the GAL for the most part.
June 24th, 2011 3:06pm