Disable SMS Sync in Outlook
I've looked around a bit and can only see answers to disable text messaging globally on the CASes (set-owavirtualdirectory -TextMessagingEnabled:$false (does this actually stop syncing text messages back to outlook or just stop the ability to send them?)
or by disabling the handset from being able to send text messages via ActiveSync policy using an Enterprise CAL (which I don't want to do).
Is there no way on the server side to disable synchronising text messages back to Outlook? I've looked for a GPO and can't find one. The current fixes I've seen involve the user going to their handset and deselecting 'text messages' under 'content
to synchronise.' (http://officeimg.vo.msecnd.net/en-us/files/081/324/ZA101823794.jpg)
In a nutshell, we don't want users to sync text messages back to their mailbox by default, but we would like to enable this if need be for certain groups of people.
Thanks in advance,
May 21st, 2012 8:09am
I guess the answer is here http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/exchangesvrgeneral/thread/81583eca-f3f6-4439-9652-a7d9672505a0 ?
Looks like this isn't possible at the moment?
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May 21st, 2012 8:12am
When looking at the explanation of the parameter TextMessagingEnabled it will tell you this:
The TextMessagingEnabled parameter specifies whether users can send and receive text messages. This parameter doesn't apply to the light version of Outlook Web App.
By using this policy you only disable the OWA part of the text sync. But the part which must not be forgotten is the ActiveSync part. This because ActiveSync doesn sync the text messages and the message itself is send by another program on the phone. To
disable text messaging via ActiveSync run the following cmdlet:
Set-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy -AllowTextMessaging:$false
JohanExchange-blog: www.johanveldhuis.nl
May 21st, 2012 8:46am
The thing is, when I look at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb123484.aspx which talks about using ActiveSync policies, it says:
Allow text messaging
This setting specifies whether text messaging is allowed from the mobile phone. This policy setting requires an Exchange Enterprise Client Access License.
a) this allows/blocks sending texts from the handset itself by the sounds of it (or am I wrong?) - don't want this.
b) needs an enterprise CAL - don't want this.
TextMessagingEnabled refers to set-owavirtualdirectory and you're talking about ActiveSync policy. (doesn't help with the confusion :))
So it looks like it's not possible to allow sending text messages globally on the CASes but blocking it for a group of people via another policy of some sort? (I would still like them to be able to send texts via their phones). If there was a
way to block syncing text messages for specific OUs that would be perfect.
Thanks for the response and apologies if I'm confused and you have already answered correctly.
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May 21st, 2012 9:40am
Hi ,
Please try to disable SMS-sync on test device. But if it is correct,
it will need to set them one by one.
Go to "menu | account settings" | Disable SMS-sync
Wendy Liu
TechNet Community Support
May 23rd, 2012 3:56am
I just got my Samsung Galaxy S III and stumbled to this forum for the same issue.
To disable SMS-sync quickly, go to Mail > Menu > Settings > Select Account > scroll down to the very bottom > Under Server Settings, uncheck
Sync SMS.
I hope this helps! :)
It does !!!
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 13th, 2012 11:30am
I just got my Samsung Galaxy S III and stumbled to this forum for the same issue.
To disable SMS-sync quickly, go to Mail > Menu > Settings > Select Account > scroll down to the very bottom > Under Server Settings, uncheck
Sync SMS.
I hope this helps! :)
Thank you very much .. this was very helpful
First i thought you were saying about the settings on my outlook not on the app settings on the device
September 19th, 2012 3:37am