Disjoint namespace
Hi, I am deploying Exchange 2010 into an AD with disjoint namespace. According to
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb676377.aspx the AD fits the description of Scenario 3, i.e the NetBIOS domain name is not the same as the first part of the DNS domain name.
Question is I am not sure what should I be doing. Should I modify the msDS-AllowedDNSSuffixes attribute?
September 10th, 2012 1:11am
You must add both of the DNS suffixes to the attributeSatheshwaran Manoharan | Exchange 2003/2007/2010/2013 | Blog:http://www.careexchange.in | Please mark it as an answer if it really helps you ------------- I do not represent the organisation I work for, all the opinions expressed here are my own. This
posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.
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September 10th, 2012 11:01am
You should modify the msDS-AllowedDNSSuffixes attribute.
TechNet Subscriber Support
in forum
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tnmff@microsoft.comTerence Yu
TechNet Community Support
September 10th, 2012 10:35pm
Thanks you Terence and Satheshwaran for your answer.
Question is, I do not know what to add?
If my AD domain name is domain1.com and my NetBIOS name is DOM1, what should I be adding to the
msDS-AllowedDNSSuffixes attribute?
Does anyone have a detail explanation on why this is required?
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September 11th, 2012 2:33am
1. We need NetBIOS domain name not NetBIOS name.
2. How to find NetBIOS domain name
The variable USERDNSDOMAIN displays the DNS domain name. The variable
USERDOMAIN displays the NetBIOS domain name.
If they are same,you needn't modify it.
If they are not same,you need modify it.
For instance: DNS domain name: test.com
NetBIOS domain name: test2
Right-click My Computer, and then click
Properties. The System Properties dialog box will appear.
Click the Computer Name tab.
Click Change. The Computer Name Changes dialog box will appear.
Click More. The DNS Suffix and NetBIOS Computer Name dialog box will appear.
Select the Change primary DNS suffix when domain membership changes check box
Use the procedure above to ensure that the Change primary DNS suffix when domain membership changes check box is clear.
Modify the msDS-AllowedDNSSuffixes Active Directory attribute on the domain object container. You can do this with ADSI Edit, by performing the following steps:
Double-click the domain directory partition for the domain you want to modify.
Right-click the domain container object, and then click Properties.
On the Attribute Editor tab, in the Attributes box, double-click the attribute
In the Multi-valued String Editor dialog box, in the
Value to add box, type a DNS suffix, and then click Add.(test2.com)
When you have added all the DNS suffixes for the domain, click OK.
Click OK to close the Properties dialog box for that domain.
Repeat these steps if you have multiple domains you want to similarly configure.
Terence Yu
TechNet Community Support
September 11th, 2012 5:31am
Thank you for your detail answer, sorry my terminology wasn't clear enough, it should be NetBIOS Domain name and I know what it is. So if my domain name is test.com and my NetBIOS domain name is test2, why should I enter test2.com in the msDS-AllowedDNSSuffixes
attribute? Where does the .com come from, it seems totally reandom.
Also, if you have a tech document that you can point to me for the reason
why this is required, it would be greatly appreciated.
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September 11th, 2012 10:26pm
Thanks for your update.
In fact, NetBIOS is not very important now. It usually work for windows 95,98, NT 4.0
It is way to help client to find DC. You can read this
According to our policy, I shouldnt talk it on exchange forum. It is AD problem.
why should I enter test2.com in the msDS-AllowedDNSSuffixes attribute? Where does the .com come from, it seems totally reandom.
It is only my random example. Typically, the NetBIOS domain name is the subdomain of the DNS domain name. For example, if the DNS domain name is test.com, the NetBIOS domain name should be test.
If NetBIOS domain name is test2, you should let application know about recorder of test2. So
you should enter test2 recorder(like test2.com,test2.edu) in the msDS-AllowedDNSSuffixes attribute.
If you neednt test2 domian, you can modify vaule of Netbios domain name.
Terence Yu
TechNet Community Support
September 11th, 2012 11:47pm
Do you have anything update on your issue ? Terence Yu
TechNet Community Support
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September 13th, 2012 5:35am
I am really confused, I just need a simple answer.
In my scenario, do I need to change the msDS-AllowedDNSsuffixes attribute?
September 14th, 2012 12:23am
Can you post result of Start->run->cmd->set ? Terence Yu
TechNet Community Support
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 16th, 2012 10:06pm