Distribution Group
I haveusers that are membersof aDistribution Group and whenthey reply to emails that include theDistribution Group, they also receive the reply. How can I make it so they don't receive the reply?Thanks
December 24th, 2008 12:40am
Users must use the Reply to All to send the response, right?
One educational method is, let users to set a rule to move the mails from the member of that DL to a specific folder for managing
Another workaround is, use the messages restrictions to block the messages from the member of DL in the property of that DL on the server, but it will generate NDR back to the sender
If you want that users can not auto-add that DL to the To field, I think you need to create customized script on users outlook, the question can be posted to the outlook programming newsgroups
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December 24th, 2008 1:22pm