Distrubution Group
Dear Experts,Have idea anybody about Can we add bulk(By Email ID's) users into Distrubution group by Shell command exchange 2007Sachin Hodge
MBA-IT,MCP--Exchange 2003,MSTS--Exchange 2007
October 3rd, 2009 7:34am
cat grouptest.csv | Add-DistributionGroupMember FinanceVinod
|CCNA|MCSE 2003 +Messaging|MCTS|ITIL V3|
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October 3rd, 2009 8:02am
Dear Vinod,You mean we have to create the Csv file and give the command that test.csv | Add-DistributionGroupMember Financeits...........thanks for helpSachin Hodge
MBA-IT,MCP--Exchange 2003,MSTS--Exchange 2007
October 3rd, 2009 8:15am
yes. since you said it is bulk addition to DLVinod
|CCNA|MCSE 2003 +Messaging|MCTS|ITIL V3|
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 3rd, 2009 9:34am
In this example, I have my list of users in a text file, but it could come from a DB, feed, or other distribution list.
The "script" is all of two lines long:
> $users = cat users.txt | Get-QADUser
> Get-QADGroup <groupName> | Add-QADGroupMember -member $users
How great is that?
and also go through it .http://liveatedu.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!C76EAE4D4A509FBD!215.entryRegardsSyed Arsalan.syed.arsalan
October 3rd, 2009 4:42pm