Does Exchange automatically remove past items from Calendars?
Is there a default time period after which Exchange will no longer keep past calendar items? I am trying to answer users who are asking me why they don't have old calendar info that they use to track work on projects. We know data is absent past a certain
point. I am aware that some smartphones may automatically delete past calendar items unless set no to, but I need to rule out the Exchange variable in this equation.
If there are are such defaults, what are they for Exchange 2007 and 2010?SnoBoy
January 11th, 2011 5:53pm
Hi SnoBoy,
Did you set MRM in your exchange server.Anil
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January 11th, 2011 10:42pm
If you mean, "Did you set a retention policy that deletes calendar items after some period?", no I didn't.
My question is simple, is there any default maximum retention of past calendar items, beyond which items are deleted? I need to rule out any out of the box defaults, so I can find out exactly what is to blame.
My best educated guess is that there is no such default. The rason I think that is that I looked at a users calendar that has never had a smartphone ant their calendar goes all the way back to 2008. The two users incolved in the complaint are
missing imems from 8 months ago.
Very specifically, I have a user who has items older that 8 months absolutely gone. His only smartphone he has ever had synced to his Exchange is his
iPhone. I can't find any settings on the iPhone that might delete old calendar items, but that doesn't mean that it might be the culprint in this issue. ANother uer is having the same complaint and their smartphone is a windows smartphone.
It might have such a setting.
Or the end user may have set up autoarchiving, accidentally or on purpose, that might have removed old calendar items.
I am just trying to narrow down all of the "possibles" to the real answer.SnoBoy
January 11th, 2011 11:00pm
Unless until you set Mailbox Manager policy (Exchange 2003) and MRM (E2K7 and 10) there is no default setting in Exchange server to delete the items from the mailbox.
Steps to enable Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010 store tracing for calendar issues
You can follow the KB to enable the tracing on the server for Calendar issues and connect with PSS to analyze it.
May in the tracing you can find out is it Smart Phone or user themself deleted the calendar Item.
Apart from the If its Exchange 2010, you can enable auditing up to some extent and check who has done what.
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January 18th, 2011 4:08am
All I needed to know as stated originally is that there is no default. The user that was complaining was having calendar items removed by auto-archiving. I have had the most bizarre things blamed on the move to Exchange 2010, the most strange was someone
blaming a student worker's missing files on the move!
Thanks for confirming what I suspected all along - end user settings, not Exchange, is the culprit.SnoBoy
January 18th, 2011 9:09am
Harisha provides the right direction. Exchange doesn't have such feature to remove the past items except for the MRM or Retention Policy. If the user's Calendar Folder is being accessed by a third party device, like BlackBerry or Mobile, you should enable
the logging on for the third party device.
AllenAllen Song
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January 19th, 2011 1:04am