Does mailbox-srv distribute exchange serversettings for Outlook
When I configured Outlook 200 with MOCT there was options for configuring the exchange server settings manually, including settings for OAW. But this is just for customizing it? Because now I've cleared those settings but the OAW-settings still appear in new distributions of Outlook with the right HTTPS-options and such. Were are those settings made in Exchange 2007? Im asking this because Im pretty sure that these OAW-settings wasn't automaticlly setup via AD/Exchange before I tried to configure them in OCT edit: I've seen Get-OutlookAnyWhere cmdlet, and it shows the right information. I just don't remember when we set that part up. But as long as there is settings in get-outlookanywheresettings, the are distributed to the clients i guess. But if we alter this settings on the servers (get-outlook...) will the clients update their settings or are they just set initially during setup?
November 12th, 2009 12:50pm
Have you seen below? How to Enable Outlook Anywhere also if you want to configure OAW then you can follow the below step by step article
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November 12th, 2009 1:22pm
Hi Ivarson,
Please refer to following description in Autodiscover Whitepaper:
By contrast, the MAPI layer connects to the Autodiscover service when there are errors connecting to the Exchange server by using the MAPI protocol. For example, this occurs when the user is using a low-bandwidth network connection or when the user tries to open their mailbox after a mailbox move. The first failure detected by the MAPI layer results in an initial Autodiscover service request. Depending on the type of failure, this request may result in changes to the user's profile. This initial Autodiscover service request is known as the free Autodiscover service request. If no other failures occur after the first failure, the MAPI layer will perform an Autodiscover service request every 6 hours to update the user's profile settings. Additionally, the MAPI layer also connects to the Autodiscover service if the user creates a new Outlook profile.
White Paper: Exchange 2007 Autodiscover Service
Mike Shen
TechNet Subscriber Support in forum
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November 13th, 2009 11:01am
Hi Ivarson, Any further question regarding the issue?Thanks,Mike
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November 18th, 2009 8:45am
Actually yes. Thanks for all replies first. We''ve already setup a functional OAW on our cas-servers that works. Before, We had to manually configure the OAW-settings are shown in the link that Vinod provided. But now I dont seem to have to do that anymore. The settings are there with me setting them up in Outlook and I have no Exchange server settings configured in OCT for outlook. I've also removed my central profile between the reinstallations. Since the installations and profile-setups are made within the AD I didn't thought the Autodiscover-service was involved. I thought this was used only externally when the domain wasn available. Is this not true?
November 20th, 2009 6:03pm