Domain users
Hi we have sbs 2008 premium. We have a registered domain with a cpanel, some ofour usersis working remotely and onlyusesMS Outlook primarily thus there is no need tocreate seperate users for them on exchange they are primarily outside users with the same domain name as on exchange.Now when I try to send out an email to themthe exchange reconize them as internal users and try to send out via .local which will not work.Is there a way to bypass this problem?Thanks
December 8th, 2009 10:05am
Check the email address. If the users are outside your domain, exchange will only send the mails through SMTP address.Raj
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December 8th, 2009 4:43pm
RajThanks for the reply let me give you an illustration. My email address is for example is a user on exchange. Now I try to send out to which not a user on exchange. When I am sending the email is comes back with not such a user. I'm thinkingexchange recognise the @muhanga and try tosend it to hannes@muhanga.local which will off coure not work.Please helpRegards
December 10th, 2009 12:53pm
Hello,Configuring an Internal Relay accepted domain will help to resolve the issue. See here for more help from www.windowsadmin.infoManuPhilip
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December 10th, 2009 6:27pm
There is no way to prevent Exchange route mail to Internet without doing a local lookup. I suggest you refer to the similar thread below:
December 11th, 2009 11:44am